In a Western setting, for this to work as intended you also have to knee cap billionaires with a wealth tax and break up mega corporations. No single human being needs or has any use for the equivalent of a billion dollars. Those who hoard wealth hurt economies by depriving society of monetary liquidity and productive transactions. So, they should pay for the damage they cause with progressively higher taxes. Mix this with UBI and you’ll see literally no inflation and a healthier more resilient economic system where people are happier, healthier and more productive. But this is socialism or something, so the US would rather drag the world back to the stone age than to give money to a homeless person.
Mine is randomly hanging up. It’s either bad memory sticks, hard drives failing (again). Or, it’s finally time to splurge on a new system and retire this one after 12 years of loyal service.
Just as a general PSA for anyone reading this. This is known as passive suicidal ideation. It’s a massive red flag that something is not right and you should reach out to a mental health practitioner or at least have a heartfelt talk with someone close you trust about your struggles. Reach out to any support network you have, because it’s the start of the slippery slope to suicidal thoughts if left unattended.
I wish eventually it’d become the he facto version. But Debian is so slow to update. Apparently kids these days get anxious if they don’t have a system update every other hour and they buy new hardware every weekend. So Debian is too old school to be useful to them.
Except for the hundreds of millions of species of lifeforms for which male and female biological sex is not part of their biology. But what do PhDs know about biology? they just scientifically study the core tenets of life.
Not just that, they assume you have an IMAX Dolby system installed in your theater sized living room, that everyone obviously has. Bad mixes are inexcusable and sound mixing snobbism is a symptom of the pompous pretentiousness that is the rotten core of Hollywood. Yes, Hollywood, most foreign films with DTS have perfectly good and serviceable mixes that sound nice in both Stereo and Surround…
The clever part is that most phones do have a microphone at the top nearby the earpiece. The stupid part is that that mic is for noise canceling the ambient noise. So the phone is hearing them, but the person at the other end of the line is getting a distorted and full of artifacts voice that is barely comprehensible.
Wet lease? Yeah, clubs and leasing are an accessible option but depends on what you want to do. Flying a tiny 182 Cessna, sure will be as much as a nice Sim setup. For one flight, at $200 an hour, roughly 25 hours of flight or thereabouts and you’re already over the price of the simulator.
Fly commercial jets, like the one this picture is simulating? No way. A small Citation jet starts at $50k a month. That’s probably already 5 times the cost of equipment in that photo. And you can fly the big birds and do crazy stuff with them in the sim.
I’ve read his sound mix is shit on top of the line IMAX too. Plenty of complaints since the days of The Dark Knight, He is just high on his own supply and can’t admit that he is shit at sound mixing dialogue. That or some contractor lied to him when they built whatever he mixes on.