Unrelated, this meme always reminds me of the story of that one drug addict who stole a friend’s phone to sell it to buy drugs. And when the friend in distress tells them they lost their phone, they help him look for it. It’s hilarious and sad at the same time.
No, actually real users. YouTube used to use user names. When they tried to force Google+ integration they gave the option to use your real name or split your account and have two “profiles”. One with your username and one with your G+ name. When G+ was unceremoniously brought to the backyard and old yellered, the G+ profile was changed to your old YouTube username plus a bunch of random numbers. Some time later they fused all profiles, leaving a bunch of people with just a word and random numbers. It can be changed now, I think, but most people don’t bother.
Markdown is supposed to be readable without rich text formatting.
There’s no one way of displaying markdown as long as the semantic structure is respected. Dashes, hyphens, circles or dots. Don’t matter as long as it’s an unordered bulleted list and the correct hierarchy and sequence is followed for each block of text. Similarly the indentation of all those things is irrelevant and to the taste of the reader’s implementation.
You don’t indent text in markdown to signal formatting. You indent text in markdown to signal a code block. To signal other semantic structures you use other plaintext markers.
Read the original definition of the format to understand which are they. The purpose of markdown is to write the same general and commonly used mark-up elements used in HTML (paragraph, links, references, lists, tables and emphasis, amongst many others) with plaintext, in a less verbose and more human friendly way. And just like HTML, the formatting is supposed to be separate. With CSS or such other techniques. As a result, the formatting is free to change while the underlying structure and meaning of text stays the same.
The point still stands. All those categories are social constructs and we morally shouldn’t make them dictate our behaviors towards others and we should treat all human beings with respect and dignity regardless of how they look or which group they belong to.
I commend your commitment to not only not tracing the original capture. But posting a heavily compressed bad quality screenshot, that was badly cropped anyways.
Famously, and in formal completion of Cunningham’s law disapproval. Cunningham has never said that, and actually disagrees with the aphorism, he’s been quoted qualifying it as a misquote and a proof of misinformation spread on the internet in complete self-defeating disprove.
This is one of the main cores behind the anti car and fifteen minutes city concepts. I’m currently facing the choice. Should I buy a car? Because, though I currently move and live without, using a car for commute would be a net personal gain. Biking is not an option, there is no infrastructure nor protections for moving on a bicycle in my city. I have to commute 50km each way, my job is not possible to be done from home, moving closer to work is financially prohibitive. Any new job would be near the same exact geographic area. A car would reclaim almost 3 hours of my day and multiply my options for leisure 10 fold for relatively cheaper. I hate to have to face that dilemma.
You are all over this thread harassing people. I don’t care about your opinion. Don’t talk about crap you don’t understand. Watch the myriad of YouTube channels that cover the scam industry in India. Some people have their family and lives literally threaten with death to pay debts working for scam call centers by literal gangsters. That is sad. I’m not putting my hands in the fire for anyone. But that is also the product of an exploitative capitalist mindset. None of the people actually making the phonecalls are “escaping poverty”. It’s the owners of the computers and offices and bank accounts that accrue the scam money who are getting rich. And those people rarely set foot in the actual call centers.
People used to botch that one all the time. Not everyone shot in the head dies. And now you have a gory mess that’s gurgling and trying to scream but keeps breathing and moving for several days. So humane.
And that’s not even considering the ethical issues of who pulls the trigger.
You can smell other people’s mucous (not recommended). If you ever have been the primary care taker for a baby or small child you’d know what boogers smell like. Old boogers also start to decompose and the smell is faintly different. Sick mucous also smells different and worse. I could tell my nephews were sick with the flu by smelling them from ways away before noticing any other symptom. Sometimes I can smell that in public transport and it makes me figuratively run in the opposite direction of the sick person.