Not just that, they assume you have an IMAX Dolby system installed in your theater sized living room, that everyone obviously has. Bad mixes are inexcusable and sound mixing snobbism is a symptom of the pompous pretentiousness that is the rotten core of Hollywood. Yes, Hollywood, most foreign films with DTS have perfectly good and serviceable mixes that sound nice in both Stereo and Surround…
Shoes that don’t restrict the feet movements. Basically gloves for feet. Only protect superficially to allegedly allow the foot full range of motion and train and stimulate the use of all the muscles when walking and running. They reached peak popularity back in 2010. Recently some studies had questioned this claims as they seem to increase the rate of injuries, for of course, they provide no ankle support or torsion protection.
Because there are, categorically, no biological evidence or basis to races in human genetics. Your premise is false and your post is racist bait. The scientific method does not support your racism.
The only certainty I read is that Villeneuve doesn’t want to do children of Dune or beyond. But producers want mini series out of those and a Bene Gesserit prequel series that’s already on the works.
The assumption that direct familial involvement would make people more peaceful or make them take more ethical decisions is flat out incorrect. If anything it will make them more ruthless and dehumanizing against the “other” and seek even faster ways of total annihilation rather than difficult nuanced and diplomatic peaceful solutions. The military mindset is a very rigid one, with only rights and wrongs, blind obedience, the only nuance allowed is tactical nuance, the only complexity allowed is logistic complexity. Morally and ethically it’s always down to I’d rather the other die than me. The IDF once traded 1000 prisoners for 1 IDF soldier, what makes you think they will not kill 10000 children if it means it saves 1 soldier?
In a Western setting, for this to work as intended you also have to knee cap billionaires with a wealth tax and break up mega corporations. No single human being needs or has any use for the equivalent of a billion dollars. Those who hoard wealth hurt economies by depriving society of monetary liquidity and productive transactions. So, they should pay for the damage they cause with progressively higher taxes. Mix this with UBI and you’ll see literally no inflation and a healthier more resilient economic system where people are happier, healthier and more productive. But this is socialism or something, so the US would rather drag the world back to the stone age than to give money to a homeless person.
My friend, it lasts two and a half hours and barely covers the first third of the first book. If it were any slower it would just be hours of shots of a rock being eroded by wind.
Maybe get a shelf and put just your very favorites en it. Those you just can’t help but return to. Rotate them once in a while if that choice is too hard. Books are pretty, there’s a reason rich people buy false books by the meter just for decoration.