There’s pickles flavored ice cream, and it’s not bad. I tasted it at one of those 1000 flavors ice cream shops. People are really missing out if they think ice cream should only be diabetes flavored. Salted caramel, peanuts, sour and sweet flavors. They all work really well in ice cream form.
Dude, ew. House is not a role model. Looking at his anti-social assholery is entertaining. But he is not a good or even reasonable person most of the time. He is a high functioning sociopath.
Except for the hundreds of millions of species of lifeforms for which male and female biological sex is not part of their biology. But what do PhDs know about biology? they just scientifically study the core tenets of life.
Lol, you implement that and basically all beauty pageants stop existing. Which would be a good thing, mind you. But I’ve never met a pageant contestant in my life that isn’t … let’s say … heavily enhanced by medical procedures.