No, actually real users. YouTube used to use user names. When they tried to force Google+ integration they gave the option to use your real name or split your account and have two “profiles”. One with your username and one with your G+ name. When G+ was unceremoniously brought to the backyard and old yellered, the G+ profile was changed to your old YouTube username plus a bunch of random numbers. Some time later they fused all profiles, leaving a bunch of people with just a word and random numbers. It can be changed now, I think, but most people don’t bother.
In general, unless you are a sociopath with no empathy, humans have an innate need to help and assists others. It makes us feel good to help others, not just our own children.
UX and UI aren’t magic bullets. They constantly come up with and approve the most anti-user crap. They are just as disconnected from the actual user base as a database engineer.
Years ago I made the decision to never play a game on launch, never buy a game full price, never play a game just because it was on the online buzz.
I decide what to play usually days in advance, carve out a chunk of my recreation time to explicitly play, as if it were going to a movie or a party with friends. It’s like a date with the game. I block a couple of hours to it. If the game is good, it will get a second date, if it bored me, we would break up.
I don’t buy on sales pressure either. If I decide I want to play a game, I would wait to buy it on the historical cheapest price. Only then would the game get schedule time to get played. That keeps the FOMO away.
It has made gaming super enjoyable and no longer the dopamine chase that publishers want to make to milk the most money out of me. As a result I usually enjoy my time way more, play older games more frequently, not out of nostalgia but because I never played then. I also spend less money, which lowers stress and anxiety. As a result I haven’t played a AAA game in a long while.
Time is scheduled for a game on what I’m interested in right now. But since the decision is always for a time far away in the future (up to a week in advance) I can make a more directed and intentional decision. Some weeks it’s thematic, some weeks it’s just genre based. Some weeks are retro. Some weeks are for comfort. All with small and concrete goals for each.
They do, but not in the intuitive way one would think. They work because there’s a passive seal around the hearing, thus the headphones only have to cancel the smaller amount of noise that gets into your ear, not the full loud noise outside in the environment. This is why ANC need to have mics inside your ears.
The problem is actually that the louder the noise, the louder the noise canceling would have to be. And at a certain point the passive seal cannot stop much of the outside noise, and if poorly designed, if the speaker tries to cancel that noise, it would be blasting massive soundwaves into your ears. But most consumer speakers can’t achieve that and don’t even try. So after a certain threshold, they won’t work and can’t help you with the noise. And the passive noise block is not even remotely good enough as a straight up earplug. So they are not considered protective gear, at least not the consumer devices, only aviation grade ANC is considered protective gear. But you’ll see that they have massive ear cover,s with huge speakers and drivers, and elastic tensors on the headband to absolutely seal your ears and some truly state of the art audio processing that would make the most snob audiophile blush in envy.
They do make some of those for ground crews, construction sites and heavy machinery, but they insists that they are only effective if paired with a sound baffle earplug.
I read the modlogs from time to time yesterday. There are people literally advocating for, and up to describing in gruesome and sadistic detail, ways to genocide every Palestinian in Gaza, the West bank and the whole world in general. Some classy fellows extend it to every Arab and Muslin in the world.
I have not read, neither on the modlog nor the posts comments themselves saying anything remotely as bad about Israel. Maybe they are, but I haven’t seen them. The worse was someone saying that Israel needs to not be recognized as a state by the UN. That threw a few people off the deep end, calling the commenters anti-semites along with some other less savory epithets.
A couple of users were also harassing others and flaming on every single top level comment with some colorful language towards Palestine, not Hamas, Palestine.
So, I would say that indeed the allowed opinions were predominantly pro-Palestine, but that’s because they weren’t the ones breaking rules left and right and being uncivil overall. Level headed pro-Israel comments abounded, they were just downvoted to oblivion. Welcome to the internet.
Borderline personality disorder. An ex had it. Even when it’s not malignant and there’s treatment and awareness of disease, it is very challenging. It makes it very hard for the person to live congenially with anyone. It sucks to see an otherwise nice, fun and lovely person get self-sabotaged so badly that they can’t keep any relationship for long. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps, a lot, though.
Here’s another essay about this by Patrick (H) Willems. It touches on other factors as the risk adverseness of theaters and producers. The death of the movie star, the high costs of CGI, the devalue of the cinema experience by way of Netflix straight to stream content, the rise of streaming in general, profiteering by executives, the raise in TV series budget, etc.
But quite pointedly, it touches on the fact that audiences have been trained for decades now to stay at home and not to request higher quality media. The emotional experience of “going out” to the movie theater, spending the evening engaging with an unknown novel narrative, trusting the director and the publisher to keep you entertained for a couple of hours is all gone. Mass marketing media has made it so that this experience is not possible anymore, so people have stopped requesting it. People only invest on blockbuster, $200MM+ mega productions. So they go to the theaters once or twice every year for those mega events. But people no longer go any random weekend to a theater just to see something that’s being played there regardless of mass marketing. It would take years to retrain audiences that such an offering exists and that they don’t have to hunt on streaming services or pirate movies just to emulate that random Saturday evening experience at home.
I mean, yes, in general every person is speaking for themselves. In this case I’m just reporting what people with suicidal ideation and survivors of suicide attempts report in therapy.
Markdown is supposed to be readable without rich text formatting.
There’s no one way of displaying markdown as long as the semantic structure is respected. Dashes, hyphens, circles or dots. Don’t matter as long as it’s an unordered bulleted list and the correct hierarchy and sequence is followed for each block of text. Similarly the indentation of all those things is irrelevant and to the taste of the reader’s implementation.
You don’t indent text in markdown to signal formatting. You indent text in markdown to signal a code block. To signal other semantic structures you use other plaintext markers.
Read the original definition of the format to understand which are they. The purpose of markdown is to write the same general and commonly used mark-up elements used in HTML (paragraph, links, references, lists, tables and emphasis, amongst many others) with plaintext, in a less verbose and more human friendly way. And just like HTML, the formatting is supposed to be separate. With CSS or such other techniques. As a result, the formatting is free to change while the underlying structure and meaning of text stays the same.