The idea is that teenagers find it really hard to go to bed early. But school still starts very early. So they end up sleeping less than they should to function. The anti biology stance of “they should go to bed earlier” is not helpful. What’s helpful is starting school later, let them have their vigil time into later hours, then they can sleep and recover fully, and do better at school. Thus potentially creating better educated adults.
I commend your commitment to not only not tracing the original capture. But posting a heavily compressed bad quality screenshot, that was badly cropped anyways.
Just as a general PSA for anyone reading this. This is known as passive suicidal ideation. It’s a massive red flag that something is not right and you should reach out to a mental health practitioner or at least have a heartfelt talk with someone close you trust about your struggles. Reach out to any support network you have, because it’s the start of the slippery slope to suicidal thoughts if left unattended.
That was a cool video. But if it takes over 5000 hours of time on. I doubt that as a regular user you’re going to see any significant or noticeable degradation but after several years. 5000 is just 208 days, but it has to be continuous and severe. More realistically, with off time and varied usage, the effect will never be as dramatic as with testing. So, it doesn’t sound like something critical. CRTs were worse and people coped just fine. Just use your monitor.
If you’re not encoding and there’s only like one or two users at a time, it’s plenty. Now if you want to encode on the fly to a myriad of formats and serve your entire extended family and friends, then it will choke. But people rarely do that.
I wish eventually it’d become the he facto version. But Debian is so slow to update. Apparently kids these days get anxious if they don’t have a system update every other hour and they buy new hardware every weekend. So Debian is too old school to be useful to them.
The guy who invented the ancient alien theory that, believe it or not, didn’t exist until he wrote a book in the 80’s; is one of the producers of the History channel show. And he is my personal reminder that any idiot can get a book published.
It’s a trend, for some reason. I really, really hope she used natural biodegradable and hypoallergenic water based dyes, they do exists. But the bathtub tells me this poor soul didn’t have that luxury.
The sane people use those that are more like a water spray and just tint the hair for a while. Then naturally wears off or washes up in the next bath.
Famously, and in formal completion of Cunningham’s law disapproval. Cunningham has never said that, and actually disagrees with the aphorism, he’s been quoted qualifying it as a misquote and a proof of misinformation spread on the internet in complete self-defeating disprove.