I got 6% last month on a couple year old used car (I have bought a car since 2005) and I was shocked and the guy said that was one of the best rates he has seen lately. Absolutely insane.
Me this morning. I’m gonna take a look at why this Jenkins pipeline is failing. This one job starts a dozen others. Half are failing. For different reasons. After starting rewriting a job that someone half assed. Realize the original error was caused by missing input but some are still valid. Still can’t figure out why my rewritten program is erroring. Get pulled away because another program did something weird… I completed nothing today but worked a ton.
I wanted to but my pixel bootloader is carrier locked. Supposedly you can call and ask them to unlock it if you own the device but not sure if that’s true.
Yeah same. It sucks. I got into Google stuff back when Gmail was in beta and invite only. Admittedly I really only use Gmail, drive and the calendar. But the sso aspects is the part that is the hangup I think. I have so many accounts utilizing their identity provider solution.
🤗 I’m sorry your having such a tough time… Everything is temporary. I know it feels hard right now… Don’t make a permanent solution to these temporary problems… Things will change. Keep going. Best of luck to you. 🤗
As a past retail worker. Black Friday was miserable. I worked at Bestbuy. I saw a lot of people breakdown and quit thay day due to the stress. Don’t encourage it. If you do go out. Be respectful and remember it’s just things that don’t really matter. I have never gone out and don’t support it especially the trickling of businesses forcing employees to work on Thanksgiving.