I always thought about why don’t FOSS projects that are at risk of getting sued by big corp like (NewPipe, Popcorn Time, streamio, tachiyomi …) embrace the dark web or git over torrent via VPN, so their projects don’t get threatened with take downs. z-library ended having to move to the dark web after all.
I don’t blame the users here, remember from 2008 to 2012 where chrome ads where plastered on every website. Google knew what it was doing spreading its Trojan horse. I wouldn’t have known about the existence of chromium if I wasn’t lurking of privacy forums, blame google this time.
Caspian report is crap opinions passing as geopolitical knowledge and analysis. I have watched a few of his vids. and the guy doesn’t know what is really happening in other foreign countries, but it doesn’t stop him from writing 30 mn long bullshit videos and impressing an audience that is just as uneducated about those subjects as him. i.e Any one who claims to know everything about every other country in the world is a FRAUD.
Same women and men who criticize those unrealistic overdosed body types, would either wet their pants if one of those man proposed to them, or are wishing to achieve those results themselves. you can’t resist animalistic urges. you won’t believe the amount of gyms I’ve seen pop up in my city since the arrival of Instagram almost a 3000% increase. and everyone you talk to has become a protein intake expert.
Unlike most privacy concerned people. I don’t believe that privacy is very useful without anonymity. metadata is at the heart of surveillance and tracking. In this regard I was a little optimistic when tor came out and hoped that many technologies will be build around that. that didn’t happen because you can’t build a business and make a profit by providing anonymity. now half websites are systematically blocking tor exit nodes. it can’t be used safely with torrents. and even briar the messenger built to use tor has been compromised by its developers so that you can’t be anonymous on briar . All in all I share the same frustration and can’t see a brighter future for privacy and anonymity .
Briar shares your hardware’s Bluetooth MAC address with your contacts even if you haven’t added that contact or connected with that contact using Bluetooth. meaning all your briar contacts even those on groups are storing your MAC address ( a unique device identifier) which makes plausible deniability virtual impossible. I remember reading the devs themselves acknowledge that briar isn’t a anonymous chat app (somewhere in their git repo or the wiki or the blog, can’t remember where exactly), so beware of this aspect.
My understanding is that, If one partner is in a relationship with more than one partner it is polygamy
while if all the partners are in a relationship will all the other partners then it is polyamory
I never considered marriage as a prerequisite for polygamy . because many people are polygamous even in states where polygamous marriages are outlawed.
Britain has planted the seeds of hatred and bloodshed in the middle east and is now acting as if it has no responsibility towards resolving the conflict.
It is hard to watch the British media coverage of this war acting all outraged and surprised by the violence while being proud of their historical imperial inheritance .