2024 is the Year of Linux on the Desktop, at least for my boyfriend. He’s running Windows 7 right now, so I’ll be switching him to Ubuntu in a few days. Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.
Ah. So…blame the victim. Cause apparently capitalism is, like, perfect or something.
The company selling the software arbitrarily created a problem for no reason other than greed. And yet, the ones not forking over more money are the problem.
Yeah, hard no from me on your entire argument, buddy.
What search engine is currently showing the most useful results? What other tricks do we have aside of adding “reddit” or whatever internet community to the results?
Hey, so I believe in a higher power but I’m not on board with any particular religion. Anyone else think it’s cool to just fly solo as a good human, no religion attached?
I personally start with the idea that I’m part of something much, much bigger than myself; that’s the basis of my concept of a “higher power”. Like the Ancient One told Doctor Strange, “It’s not about you.”
I was raised Mormon, and after breaking free I have a strong distaste for organized religion. You know how people like to say that if they had a time machine, they’d go back and kill Hitler? I would take out Abraham. The Abrahamic Covenant made religion all about one man’s ego; the cult he formed has splintered and spread over so much of our planet.
Gathering with like minded folk to exchange ideas about life, the universe, everything was once an organic, grass roots sorta thing (or so it seems). Religion is manufactured as a system of control.
Celebrate making your journey your own! I hope you find people who have the courage to make their own path as well; it is a huge comfort to at least just speak freely with like minded folk.
When I turned forty, I decided Jesus fasting for forty days and nights was just an allegory for how you don’t really find out who you really are until you’re over the hill! ;-)
As measured by whom? Your shit attitude doesn’t prove anything.
Besides, have somebody kick you in the balls repeatedly for hours on end, then maybe you have a comparison. Oh, and they have to kick you hard enough to break your hips.
And you’re last statement is an outright falsehood. You replied. Ergo, you do give a shit.
Your entire premise is misogynistic bull. But whatever; keep at it. Look like an idiot. Deny yourself actual contentment in life. Die on whatever hill you want.
I got a DVD, never used with cellophane intact, produced in 1993 on ebay. I thought maybe, since I didn’t get a DRM warning, it predated DRM, and I could just copy it to my hard drive, so I did. Both the copy and the DVD are now corrupted and unplayable. I want to fix the DVD then rip it to my hard drive. Googling gives plenty...
Windows? Yeah, I’m talking out of my ass here, but probably only unplayable because Windows helpfully created some kinda corrupted data file related to the disc.
What he said is factual; you didn’t make the disc itself unreadable. Which is why I blame Windows doing something stupid and not helpful.
A butterfly effect is the phenomeon that a small change in initial conditions that leads to a significantly different result than if the initial conditions haven’t been changed. Have you personally witnessed such phenomeon?...
I’m delivering papers, wee hours in the morning, middle of winter. Just had a storm recently, so roads were rather icy. Go to cross the street when my dog starts acting all weird, won’t let me cross. Just as I’m getting frustrated, suddenly a pickup truck comes barreling around the corner. Driver immediately loses control on the ice, truck goes into a sideways slide at a pretty high speed.
What are some companies that deserve to be boycotted to death?
So far my list includes Comcast, EA, and Nestle. Tell me yours, and I’ll help out.
Year of Linux on the Desktop (lemmy.world)
2024 is the Year of Linux on the Desktop, at least for my boyfriend. He’s running Windows 7 right now, so I’ll be switching him to Ubuntu in a few days. Ubuntu was chosen because Proton is officially supported in Ubuntu.
bro pls (mander.xyz)
abandonware empires (mander.xyz)
What is the least SEO-fucked search engine?
What search engine is currently showing the most useful results? What other tricks do we have aside of adding “reddit” or whatever internet community to the results?
What are your thoughts on the concept of having faith in a Higher Power but choosing to distance oneself from established religious doctrines?
Hey, so I believe in a higher power but I’m not on board with any particular religion. Anyone else think it’s cool to just fly solo as a good human, no religion attached?
Opinion | Why Aren’t More People Getting Married? Ask Women What Dating Is Like. (www.nytimes.com)
Harping on people to get married from up in the ivory tower fails to engage with reality of life in the dating trenches.
Question for God (lemmy.sdf.org)
Help with DVD problem, please.
I got a DVD, never used with cellophane intact, produced in 1993 on ebay. I thought maybe, since I didn’t get a DRM warning, it predated DRM, and I could just copy it to my hard drive, so I did. Both the copy and the DVD are now corrupted and unplayable. I want to fix the DVD then rip it to my hard drive. Googling gives plenty...
VR Porn
Can anyone recommend me a free VR porn website? (Download or streaming) I recently bought a quest 3 and I wanna try how that feels.
These body standards are out of hand (lemmy.world)
What butterfly effect have you personally witnessed?
A butterfly effect is the phenomeon that a small change in initial conditions that leads to a significantly different result than if the initial conditions haven’t been changed. Have you personally witnessed such phenomeon?...