I have a randomly generated password for my wifi (mostly historical reasons), but I hang QR codes around for it. Unfortunately, not enough devices support that sort of thing.
You can leave the password blank. Though that does mean anyone driving by your house might have their phone or whatever automatically connect to it. A few devices also don’t seem to like blank passwords (I think the Wii refused to connect that way).
A simple password is fine. Keeps completely random people out, and devices will connect OK. Edge-based security is flawed, anyway.
Doing that for Trademark law is why they didn’t bother lobbying for longer copyright this time. They could protect their Mouse trademark without relying on Steamboat Willy like they did before.
Helps that HBomberGuy hasn’t posted endless rounds of response videos. That’s how you milk the drama for views.
Conversely, I’m getting a little tired of Karl Jobst mostly becoming a drama channel against fraudsters like Billy Mitchell or the Open Hand Charity. Those guys do deserve it, but it’s sucking oxygen away from Jobst’s usual commentary on speed running techniques. He’s also working outside his specialty–these are American cases, and he’s a lawyer under Australian law–and not all his claims carry weight.
2d printers need to be a lot more precise. 300dpi means each dot is placed with less than a tenth of a mm, and that’s not even particularly impressive for a 2d printer. 3d printers get away with a lot more slop than that.
That’s only talking about greyscale. Color requires precise alignment of the cartridges for at least 4 base colors (higher end photo printers have even more) , and the mix of those colors must be carefully controlled to get accurate output.