Link talks. The fan theory that he’s mute is unsupportable. Too many instances of him conveying complex information to people he just met (and who wouldn’t know his gesture language). You can try to explain it away, but it will quickly get more complicated than assuming he talks.
My wife and I hatewatch house hunting shows when we’re stuck up in a hotel sometimes.
What sometimes happen is something you can’t hatewatch. One episode of “Love it or List It” had a black family where mom had to do clear the kitchen table to do the office work she brought home, the older teenage boy had a bed too short and his legs hung over the edge, and grandma moved in and had to sleep in the same bed as the younger daughter. I can’t hatewatch that. This family is legit struggling with their current housing arrangements and needs a fix.
Then the next thing comes on, and it’s a white family where their biggest problems are that the house is too far from the golf course and the kids don’t all have their own bathrooms. Thank you, hatewatching gods, I can work with this!
In fact, weird outliers are a sign that the numbers weren’t cooked. In polling, you’ll always find a Christian who thinks Jesus isn’t real, an Atheist who thinks the ten commandments should be posted in classrooms, people who think Sonic tastes good, and other equally strange and nonsensical results.
Racing sims can get crazy. Full wrap around monitors, motion rigs, load cell pedals. You can buy all the same equipment that F1 racing teams use, provided you’re willing to drop six figures.
That said, there’s some top sim racers that have a Logitech wheel clamped to a desk.
Good enough for a fan, furnace, and AC setup. What we need going forward, though, is something that can intelligently use heat pumps to take into account electrical costs, current rooftop solar generation (if any), and the heat pump’s efficiency ratings in order to most efficiently balance between the heat pump and a regular furnace. Can choose the balance between either cheapest way to run or the least amount of CO2 (which won’t always match up). May also have to consider multi-stage setups where you can run it at low/medium/high levels.
I don’t think it’s impossible for a FOSS solution to do this, but I don’t think anyone has tackled it, either.
I’ve had a fan fic on the back of my head where the Borg start out as a small group exploring networked community like that, but some of the members are more radical than others. One believes that people need to be brought under collective influence in order to solve their social problems and sees individuality as a problem. However, when the more virulent form of the collective gets going, she becomes a hypocrite who refuses to subsume her own individuality to the collective while inflicting the same on everyone else.
That’s why the Borg Queen seems so contradictory. She actually is.
Want to know something even better? PS5s showed up on eBay like this within a month of release. Good money to be made if you were handy with a soldering iron.
It’s also opportunity cost. Literally anything else could also create jobs. How many jobs would building houses create? Solar or wind farm? A 24/7 orgy playground?
It used to be common for clocks to be driven directly off the electrical frequency. The US Navel Observatory would call up generator plants and tell them to slow down or speed up a little to make a correction to all the clocks. I’m not sure if that still happens, though.