I think every coder should be forced to use their own software for one month out of every year they work on it (and be able to do the job that goes with it because how the fuck else are they going to get a clue?).
At my company, all developers spend time every year in customer support. It gives us first hand experience with what our customers are running into and asking for. We also work directly with field consultants on their projects. It’s not exactly this, but it’s pretty close, and it works really well.
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Using YNAB’s sinking funds helped me get out of my considerable divorce debt. They’re like envelopes you put money into ahead of time, for every single category/thing you want to spend on or save for.
If you need to spend more than is in the envelope, you must transfer from another envelope first
If a bill is higher than expected, transfer money from another envelope
If you want to make an impulse purchase that doesn’t fit an envelope, make mine and transfer money in from an existing one
And so on. It’s a great system, and I continue to use it even though I’m now debt free, except for my monthly bills and car lease payment.