How often does everyone full-on clean their oven? I do it 2x per year, which I thought was me being a gross slacker, but a couple of my coworkers just made it seem like that’s way more than normal.
Add to this that the child is also made entirely of rubber and could easily withstand the train’s impact and experience no measurable hardship. However, the impact of Superman halting the train caused wreckage to fly all over the place and damage the surrounding infrastructure… which in this case is a metaphor for literal fucking infrastructure.
We are the only superpredator known to exist. Our best friends are apex predators we allow to live in our homes and treat like children, and we are sufficiently skilled at predation that we have allowed them to give up hunting for survival.
We accidentally killed enough of the biomass on the planet that we are now in the Anthropocene era, an era of earths history that marks post-humanity in geological terms. We are an extinction event significant enough that we will be measurable in millions of years even if we all died tomorrow.
We are the only creature known that engages in group play fighting. Other animals play fight, but not in teams. This allowed us to develop tactics, strategy, and so on, and was instrumental in hunting and eventually war.
We are sufficiently deadly that in order for something to pose a credible threat to us, we have to make it up and give it powers that don’t exist in reality. And even then, most of the time, we still win.
This is an urban legend and shame on OP for perpetuating it. The only verifiable instances of open source operating systems found in Halloween candy were installed by the children’s parents themselves.
This used to actually be a trick for a certain kind of staffing agency.
Not sure if it’s still true, but when I was in my teens and twenties, there was a type of agency that would only place people they thought would have few other options once hired. They were known for trapping people kinda at the end of the line in positions where they had to eat a lot of shit, but the pay would be just a liiiittle too good tobup and quit.
They’d never hire you if you seemed put together. The trick was to have a small swig of something smelly–gin or bourbon–just before your interview.
That got me a couple of really nice paying forklift driving gigs. The trade-off was they were always for awful companies to work for long-term.
I live in the Midwest region of the United States.
$55k in student loan debt, down from $100k eight years ago. $10k auto loan. $210k on the mortgage, which I honestly can’t believe I was ever approved for. No credit card debt.
There have been some very scary moments, but I’ve somehow managed to keep my head more-or-less above water so far.