For instances like Rhode Island (5) and Florida (4), the map groups them in the same range, even though Florida is far larger than Rhode Island. I wonder how it would change the map to have the scales be determined by density, like waterfalls/km^2.
I do grate a lot of stuff. I was concerned about the ease of cleaning but it sounds like cleaning it is far easier than the process of manually grating. Thanks for sharing.
I thought about getting one of these. Is the increased difficulty in cleaning these worth the convenience of having lots of shredded cheese? I will sometimes shred up to a pound of cheese at a time and it sounds nice to not have to deal with doing it all manually.
Java version is the easiest to run on Linux. I have seen that people have gotten Bedrock to work but it looks a lot harder to get running and has more limitations.
It’s definitely one of those things that I really miss.
It helps me if I make an alarm for 15 minutes before I need to stop playing. It reduces the anxiety of looking at the time. It’s not the same, but better than just an alarm at quitting time.
As a woman dating an amazing woman after dating a bunch of duds, both male and female… I feel seen. Sometimes I really don’t know how to react when she doesn’t get mad, mercilessly tease me, or take advantage of me when I am vulnerable. And we’ve been together for several years.