This exactly. Plus, people around those areas generally have no idea how to drive in that weather so it gets substantially more dangerous just to be out and about. Even if you know what you’re doing to at least stay safe, you can’t assume Joe Shmoe flying onto the highway in his jacked up dodge ram has any clue.
Yeah, but that goes for like, grocery stores. If you’re coming in to Marshall’s for some discount throw pillows or Christmas knick knacks when it’s snowing and icing balls outside, yeah I’m gonna think something is wrong with you and lowkey be annoyed you’re even here.
Honsetly after experiencing the covid era, I think it’s the same people who were throwing a fit and refusing to stay in their houses for even one day.
Damn, you’re so far up the ass of your own misogyny that you can’t even read critically. Life must be really hard for you.
EDIT: would this commenter saying “All [insert race here] look the same?” be acceptable to all of you? I sincerely doubt it. Why is them ‘joking’ the same about women okay for you all?
I just realized, if there was ever a wildlife photography mode in that game, I would play the shit out of it. RP-ing as an ‘extreme’ wildlife photographer trying to shoot around blizzards and keeping your gear in working order would be a really cool way to shake up the gameplay. Would easily get another 200 hours of play out of me.
Similarly, nonogram/picross puzzles. I have one on my phone that’s called Hungry Cat Nonogram that I really like. It mixes up the formula by introducing different colored pixels into each row and columns. It’s hard to explain, but very fun. It’s the only game I keep on my phone
I can’t believe that anything with Saoirse Ronan and Paul Mescal could be so panned by critics. It must really be a stinker of a film if even those two acting powerhouses can’t save it :/