Tinkering is all fun and games, until it’s 4 am, your vision is blurry, and thinking straight becomes a non-option, or perhaps you just get overly confident, type something and press enter before considering the consequences of the command you’re about to execute… And then all you have is a kernel panic and one thought...
This was pre-linux for me but something you can still do in most distros so I think it’s a valid story.
In 1999 I was using Napster on computer running MS-DOS. I was 12 years old and an aspiring open media enthusiast/stupid script kiddie. I was using the file explorer interface in Napster and accidentally gave access to my entire C drive. I also had opened ports to share certain media and to fuck with my friends using daemon tools (back then you could do stupid stuff like control a friend’s desktop with certain versions of daemon tools). Immediately I started receiving packages called things like “sleep.tight.tiny.mite” and I knew I was fucked so I clicked in the Napster interface and clicked “delete” and deleted my entire active drive.
I panicked and installed the only operating system we had which was a random copy of Red Hat. When my dad came home I pretended like it had always had Linux on it. I do think he was more impressed than mad.
Overall it’s honestly been a really good Christmas. I’ve never enjoyed this time of year because of the family stress and financial obligations (re: family stress) but my partner made it pretty incredible this year. I won’t lie and I hate to be negative ,but I’m kind of in awe and scared that something horrible is going to break this winning streak.
I honestly don’t understand why recent Ubuntu releases are popular. However, I enjoyed it in the early 2000s. There was another popular release a few years ago that had zero hotkeys enabled and I have never felt more disgusted by a release in my life. I can’t even remember what it’s called, it traumatized me hahaha.
The official narrative has been that Hamas is weakened, but in reality the IDF’s doctrine of massive force is failing, writes Paul Rogers, emeritus professor of peace studies at UK’s Bradford University.
how's your week going, Beehaw
it has been a pretty quiet week, although there was excellent schadenfreude yesterday from Ron Desantis dropping out
What's (are) the funniest/stupidest way(s) you've broken your linux setup?
Tinkering is all fun and games, until it’s 4 am, your vision is blurry, and thinking straight becomes a non-option, or perhaps you just get overly confident, type something and press enter before considering the consequences of the command you’re about to execute… And then all you have is a kernel panic and one thought...
ifn't (programming.dev)
how's your holidays going, Beehaw
it’s a special Christmas/New Years edition of the Beehaw weekly thread! post all the shenanigans you’re up to
What distros have you tried and thought, "Nope, this one's not for me"?
I’ve been using Linux Mint since forever. I’ve never felt a reason to change. But I’m interested in what persuaded others to move.
Israel is losing the war against Hamas – but Netanyahu and his government will never admit it (europe-solidaire.org)
The official narrative has been that Hamas is weakened, but in reality the IDF’s doctrine of massive force is failing, writes Paul Rogers, emeritus professor of peace studies at UK’s Bradford University.