A woman in eastern China had the shock of her life when she found out that her son was marrying her long-lost daughter. The reunion occurred right at the would-be spouses’ wedding in Suzhou, Jiangsu province on March 31, according to Sohu News. The shocking discovery was made after the woman noticed a birthmark on the bride’s hand, which looked strikingly similar to that of her long-lost child. Determined to uncover the truth, the woman mustered the courage to ask the bride’s parents whether she was adopted. After explaining her story and the identical birthmark, the bride’s parents eventually confirmed that their child had been adopted. Details were quickly ironed out and the bride confirmed that she was, indeed, the woman’s long-lost biological daughter. It turns out she went missing as a child and was picked up by her adoptive parents on the roadside some 20 years ago. The wedding could have been called off at this point, but the woman also revealed that her son — her now-daughter’s groom — was also adopted. The wedding proceeded as planned, but the shocking twist is one detour their guests will never forget. In photos that went viral on Chinese social media, the bride can be seen breaking down and hugging her long-lost mother tightly. It’s unknown how exactly the daughter went missing, but some are raising the possibility of human traffickers being the culprit. It’s also unclear whether the woman’s adopted son — now her son-in-law — will be searching for his own parents.
Please tell the world about how awesome communist rule is while in a free democracy. Please let those starving people in those concentration camps in China know how good they have it.
Almost never. I have seen it used in classic cars before the Allen was invented but nothing since. The flathead screws had a high chance of slippage that might result in scratching the vehicle.
I’m not sure if this is a repost from reddit but if you’re actually interested. If you tell us the name and model, I can tell you which screw type it is using manuals. Sometimes it’s a Allen, torz or a regular Philips screw.
Someone actually stole a bunch of cameras but couldn’t offload it and ended up getting caught when he tried to sell it on craigslist. Lol. Apparently the camera units are proprietary in the office shelf.
It wasn’t recent. I think it has to be at least 5 years ago.
The noname webcam I had was awesome. Had a bright LED when you’re on a call. This was before covid, so before all the webcam innovations. I could get the camera to engage but couldn’t get the LED to turn on.
That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing. I honestly haven’t thought about drivers either. Sounds like outside of No ads and bloatware, which is completely removed with the Tiny11 build, I don’t see an advantage. At least not worth the trouble learning it.