They both have their place. TOS is, IMO, best enjoyed the way it originally aired - a fun once a week show. TNG is bingeable after the point where they found their legs with the series.
Ubuntu is the entire reason why elderly parents have a functional PC. They didn’t need to know all of the negatives vs other distros and just needed the machine they have to work. It has been going strong for 5 years on 13 year old hardware.
I installed KDE for something more familiar and showed them where the internet, e-mail, and solitaire are. If you are the actual typical user and don’t need more, then there is no need to hate on any distro at all as long as it will boot and perform maybe 10 functions.
That has me wondering - Do at least Starfleet ships have air fresheners just for the sake of the crew not becoming nose blind? After a while you’d pretty much only smell the food.