One of my cool older cousins was playing this one christmas when we went to his house! I was vaguely disappointed when we went back the next year and he was like “oh yeah that was fun but i beat it and don’t play it anymore.” Little kid brain assumed the game just went on for much longer than it does. Playing it together (ie: taking turns) is a fond childhood memory for me, though.
I don’t think we’re really on the same page. Literacy and intelligence aren’t the same thing. But if you take nothing else away from this, I think you got the “higher reading levels are more complex” thing. Maybe.
Also I think you have a typo and one of your can should be can’t
There are different reading levels, but I don’t know a lot about them because I’m not in education.
You can probably recognize it even if you never thought about it before. “See spot run” or “Green eggs and ham” are very simple texts. Something like “the Great Gatsby” or “the Hobbit” are more complex, and a 2nd grader would struggle to read them even if they technically know how to read.
Technical manuals, works on a specialist topic, or … my knowledge fails me a little here, but like more complicated novels, may be more advanced. More advanced in vocabulary, sentence structure, and things like symbolism, metaphor, or whatever cool shit House of Leaves was doing.
I think this is a sample of a text written at the 6th grade level…/reading . I looked it up when that article about how most adults can’t read and comprehend at that level was going around.
I remember reading about that one in a video games magazine when I was a kid! I never played it. I kind of assumed it was a bigger deal because it had a lot of coverage in whatever magazine I was reading.
I was making a playlist for my friend’s Halloween party and found this album. Though a different friend was like “this song makes me feel… something I don’t know if I like it”
In the (very good) video game pillars of eternity 2, an imp comes to tell you his wizard wants you to see him. If you respond with “I’ll go if I have time” the imp replies “pfth. Who has time? You have to make time”. Now I think about this a lot.
I’ve also learned that sometimes when people say they don’t have time they actually mean they don’t want to, but they think a small lie is more polite. Personally if I invite you to something I’d rather you tell me you’re not interested so I know not to invite you in the future. But some people are cripplingly conflict avoidant.