As the dinosaur on the left, this is excruciating. Sometimes I want to just pick up my friend and physically make them do the thing like some sort of horrible puppet. “OK WE’RE DOING THE DISHES NOW” “no i don’t–” “NOPE LOOK YOU’RE BEING MOVED INTO THE KITCHEN THE SPONGE IS IN YOUR HAND” “i don’t really” “SHUT UP AND WASH”
it’s not my responsibility to bail them out of their problems.
Counter argument: Yes it is. As much as any responsibility exists at all, you have a responsibility to your fellow people.
“Well it’s not my responsibility” leads to a shittier world. And since you apparently have a degree and no debt, you can spare the energy to be better.
There are one bedrooms and studios for < $2k in brooklyn. They might not be fancy, but they exist.
That might be more than other places, but you have to factor in you don’t need a car here. So that’s $10k/year saved (though I think it’s about $2k/year if you max out your transit rides before they become free every week).
You’d have to pay me a shit load of money for me to consider living somewhere that isn’t walkable.
In the (very good) video game pillars of eternity 2, an imp comes to tell you his wizard wants you to see him. If you respond with “I’ll go if I have time” the imp replies “pfth. Who has time? You have to make time”. Now I think about this a lot.
I’ve also learned that sometimes when people say they don’t have time they actually mean they don’t want to, but they think a small lie is more polite. Personally if I invite you to something I’d rather you tell me you’re not interested so I know not to invite you in the future. But some people are cripplingly conflict avoidant.
I buy a new phone when my current one breaks. So like every five years.
Lots of people are bad with money or don’t prioritize the same things I do. I try not to worry about this. I worry about other unimportant shit like why do people roll for stats in DND 5e.