If it’s not Adobe your pirating but a small firm consider buying their stuff if you can afford it. Yes, I know this is the piracy forum but just like with indie games I think if you have the money and get value out of it then it’s cool to support actually people, that need to eat. Global Evilcorps surely not, but people are supporting you via Patreon so why not give some of that money to the people who develop the tools that help you make that money …
I’d also encourage you to look into FOSS alternatives but I have a friend who’s a graphic designer and he’s been pirating the crap out of Adobe since he began his studies in the early 2000s. He says neither he nor any of his collagues (all freelancers) ever had a problem with pirated software. It’s literally unheard of. And if you think about it, how is Adobe gonna find out if you block their phoning home with a firewall? Printers don’t give a damn (and couldn’t tell), neither can clients or random people on the internet. No one is ever going to be “Nice work but can you quickly somehow proof to me that you actually have the ridiculously overpriced subscription for that barely functioning design suite eveyone uses because there’s no alternative (except for Affinity maybe)?”
Just as a tiny nitpick: PDFs can be just a collection of images. If there’s text I would hope that they’re embedded as text or vectors, which is what would usually happen if you export a document from a program (that isn’t completely bs). So texts / vector graphics etc should not be images usually (unless you scan a document as a PDF - which I hate with a passion but can see that people prefer a single PDF over a collection of image files). Even then you could OCR the imges / PDF to make it searchable etc. Anyway in this case it seems to be a collection of images indeed ^__^
For sailing the high seas/acquiring more Linux ISOs, get a torrent-client, qbitorent is probably the most popular (and depending on where you are a vpn-subscription), then set it up with the arrs:
Thanks for the writeup, that’s far more advanced than what I need to do in my work sometimes ^__^ But cool that it looks like there are options on Linux.
Would love for this to work with Jellyfin but for me it just poplates the channels section, where it takes me to another page before I can actually watch something and it takes about 10 seconds to load a channel. Not really the analogue TV experience I had hoped to recreate ^__^
Doesn’t the Linux version of Resolve only read/import (or export? I can’t remember) .mov or something that makes it more or less unusable? Has that changed?
Or Fitotrack, which has an even nicer dashboard (with horrible colors, unfortunately) to screenshot and send to friends to brag (not that I’d ever do that ^__^)