Google got in trouble recently for running ads on these videos. Advertisers would pay for a YouTube ad and it would only run on these random videos in the corner of the screen on click bait websites.
I guess it’s the same way the US founding father’s can write about all men being created equal while still owning slaves themselves.
I’ve come to the realization that eating meat is wrong, but since I was born into a world where a mostly meat diet is ‘normal’ shifting away from it is difficult.
It’s like trying to quit smoking, an easy decision to make but hard to follow through.
The land requirements for our current animal agricultural production is the same size as North American. That’s not sustainable. I say that as someone whose never gone a day without eating meat.
Eating meat will be the big one. You look at history and meat was a rare treat, now it’s the main part of almost every meal.
People will watch media where the characters grab a hotdog on the street corner and it will seem both barbaric and decadent.
There’s probably something we are doing with children too that will seem odd. It takes a village to raise them after all and we isolate them with two parents that also have to work full time jobs. Can’t be good for either.