I have a solution to our hygiene problems, everyone: poop hoses. Dropping a spooky dookie into a bowl of water is outdated and gross. We can just attach a poop hose to our bee hinds and wham! Hygiene.
I think you’re expecting some women to show up and argue with you like this is drive time FM radio with Wacky Bob the DJ but all you’re going to get is dudes trying to act like they won because they get mad at the word hygiene and piss on the seat when they leave just to spite you.
Yes, when they leave. They won’t put the lid down without a gun to their heads, but they’ll hold one last bit of tinkle just for you.
This joke needs a more appropriate venue, is what I’m saying . Nobody here actually cares about the subject.
Especially common for public bathrooms in Asia and parts of Europe, specifically because there is no direct skin contact which reduces risk of infection. There are also claims that you poop easier squatting than sitting.
May I interest you in a (not toilet) paper I skimmed back when Covid was still a bigger issue? doi.org/10.1063/5.0013318
In another, newer, paper (again, not the toilet kind of paper) I just found, researchers basically used lasers to see and analyze the spread of aerosol plumes after flushing: doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-24686-5
I am not interested in your (not toilet) papers. I’ve been doing fine so far and I believe that the health benefit is negligible and does not outweigh the impact on my quality of life.
In other words sometimes ignorance is bliss and knowledge can be a curse, I’m not trying to be a neat freak germaphobe.
Ignorance won’t save you when that one lucky e coli lands on your toothbrush at just the right time. My parents survived leaded gas just fine, doesn’t mean that shit’s safe.
Well, you might be doing fine so far. How about others who walk into your poop-plumes? Hygiene is not always only beneficial for yourself. Some easy to implement practises can go a long way. I think it’s a similar story to how we (should) regularly wash our hands, wash vegetables and fruits before eating and so on.
The meme is making it look like seat down is presumptuous, which it is not. It has the least effort vs hygiene trade-off, since sitting to pee is much more hygienic.
I agree, and I propose a second reason: it is too easy (for my dumb self, at least) to not realize the seat is up, try to sit down, and go for an unexpected swim
Mythbusters found it makes virtually no difference, and lid down can actually make particles go further due to the pressure forcing them through a smaller gap.
Yes, I followed the ones posted. None of them say the opposite, they all leave out the results from the lidded flushes. And someone else posted a paper that showed that although lid closed produced fewer particles, they were larger, and lasted longer, so flushing lid closed was not particularly more hygienic.
I’m not sure how this qualifies as being any better, I read this one previously and found it to be lacking in actual data information. It makes claims but literally anyone can write whatever they want on the Internet. It’s not enough data and not clear on how they actually measured or how many measurements they took
Although Mythbusters is not a peer reviewed scientific source, they do employ reasonable standards of experimentation.
And the first source you posted is particularly interesting, with similar conclusions to what I remember from Mythbusters; that lids reduce the total number of particles found, but that the particles produced from lid use last longer and are larger. So a lid closed situation can;t really be said to be more hygienic.
Unfortunately on a cursory skimming of the other articles none of them seem compare toilets with lid down to lid up, they all seem to look at lidless toilets only. Thus, they can;t really speak to the topic of lid use being more hygienic without the direct comparison.
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