Now if we’re talking about vi, that’s a whole other thing. First time on a system and the git editor was set to vi, and I was like oh I know exactly how to get out of this because I know vim a bit, turns out I was wrong. It did legitimately throw me for a loop haha
BC Ferries are so nice to ride on. Feels like a mini cruise. Canadian ISPs / mobile providers really do suck ass, makes the American ones look good some how.
You’re doing something worse, complaining about something that no one really does. The average Linux user doesn’t want the average computer user to install Arch Linux. Stop spamming this garbage.
My understanding of the history of fashion is that back in the 1950s America it was expected that you wore a suit/dress at work unless you had a different uniform. There were a bunch of very boring people who thought that we should be wearing office job garb all the time, because they wore suits so much it was their default...
Ah right okay. I definitely agree with you, aside from work, I try to use Windows as little as possible. I honestly wish I could use Linux at work too lol.
The problem is, like you said, the suits won, and everyone sees Windows as the default OS. Its preinstalled with most home computers, and that’s what most people know how to use.
If more home computers were installed with an easy flavor of Linux, there would definitely be more users.
What are you referring to exactly by “suits at home” in terms of OSes? I always thought that using Linux is about doing whatever you want / whatever feels most comfortable to you.
"How are you?" (
An anti-Communist civilian fighter runs with an AK during a street-fight in Bucharest, Romania. 1989. (
Have mercy on our souls (
Songs about Vim (
Everything I need is still in in the old settings windows that haven't changed in 23 years (
I don’t know why I even bother opening the settings app
They aren't, and I'm sick of being told they are (
Do you feel the trickle yet? (
This is just cruel (
Wine 9.0 is now available (
IT support work be like (
I use linux for the same reason I wear fuzzy socks and sweaters
My understanding of the history of fashion is that back in the 1950s America it was expected that you wore a suit/dress at work unless you had a different uniform. There were a bunch of very boring people who thought that we should be wearing office job garb all the time, because they wore suits so much it was their default...
copium28 (
link to article:…/uae-cop28-documents-al-jaber.html...
Works on my machine (
Inflation (
we've been anonymous
Game of the Year (