Thank you. Do you recommend me something (circuit) else? The 2.4v zener would provide about 2.4v. To keep 1.2V exactly half of the zener produced by the zener, I was considering split its voltage with 2 x 10k resistor in series and feed into an opamp in buffer configuration, so even it the 2.4 reference changes a little bit, the other side of circuit would be always zener / 2.
Hello there, This oscillator is a 0V +10v DC oscillator, which after current passes through the capacitor, it produces a -5v +5v AC on the resistor....
Would this circuit to use an HR202 humidity sensor actually work?
How could a DC oscillator produce AC after a capacitor? (
Hello there, This oscillator is a 0V +10v DC oscillator, which after current passes through the capacitor, it produces a -5v +5v AC on the resistor....