Your reply is nonsense. AlI said is that I didn’t see the documentary, and clearly indicated that my long since corrected personal misunderstanding about such a thing was directly due to a childhood video game. If you or others insist on being ignorant douches about that, I can’t stop you.
A fun fact about taste for you - there is actually no such thing as a ‘taste map,’ or the idea that different areas of the tongue result in you tasting different things. At most, there’s just different regions of sensitivity to taste!
Always thought this was weird and didn’t make sense to my tongue.
You might’ve been taught that lemmings are known to commit suicide because they’re just that unintelligent. Turns out, this isn’t true - they’re smart enough to stay alive!
more and more a standard feature. I have cheap USB rechargeable light bulbs for tent camping without the danger of flames, and they also have an SOS mode.