I dont think that private corps with tens of thousands of employees can do that at all. Private companies also have committees and working groups and different departments that dont talk to each other (despite the committees), and policies that people follow even though the policy hasnt been good for years.
The boss says “this is what we’re doing” and then it takes years for those hundreds of departments and tens of thousands of people to do it. Or they dont do it, because they disagree with the boss and the boss is far away from any work that they have no idea if people are doing it or not. Or they sorta do it, but then a new boss comes in and has a different plan.
Despite the dictatorship of the owner in a private corporation, actually implementing a thing, especially a new thing, does take a lot of time.
I had this same question since seeing the post about the Fossify phone app. For phone, calendar, contacts, things like those, i dont see what value the official google apps have (other than syncing to your account, but i can manage that myself). For Messages from Google, tho, there is something they provide in the RCS, if only because they block others from implementing.
So, using Fossify Message, for example, sacrifices something of some actual value here…
Does this app not do voicemail? I just got a voicemail and had to reset the standard google phone app as default to listen, then switch back to this one as default.
I imagine im missing something obvious here that i couls just search the web for, but i downloaded this app because of you all in the first place, so it is your collective responsibility to set it up for me as well.