Music. 2 years ago I started teaching myself guitar and have played almost every day since then. At the beginning of last year I added learning to sing to my routine. Next year is going to be focused on singing and playing at the same time. Eventually I’ll start writing my own music.
It’s been the best hobby I’ve ever gotten into. It’s stress relieving and makes me feel good about myaelf for accomplishing something that I thought for a long time I could never get good at. I have recordings of playing and singing throughout the last few years. When I feel discouraged or like I’ve hit a plateau, I listen back to where I was when I started and instantly appreciate how far I’ve come. I’m pretty sure at this point that music will be a lifelong pursuit for me.
Soft recommendation for psychedelics. It’s NOT for everyone and you should do some legitimate research beforehand, but it’s done wonders for my anxiety
An electric vehicle owner has used her car’s emergency power system to run her 11-year-old son’s lifesaving dialysis machine and another has ridden to the rescue of his neighbours after devastating storms cut power in south-east Queensland....
Why the hell is it written as “happy end” in the comic? Nobody calls it anything but a “happy ending.” Is this some sort of cultural difference I’m not aware of?
this plug doesn't have the little holes (
What is your favorite hobby?
Mine is computers, I spend every free second on them.
What's something you'd like to leave behind in the old year and not carry into the new year?
It's getting to be soup season. What are your favorite soups?
It’s split pea or ham and potato for me....
What's the best gaming console and why?
for me it’s steam deck it’s like a portable pc
At the Internet Archive, this is how we digitize a book—one page at a time, by hand. (
Remember to have fun at work (
Spotless giraffe born in a Tennessee zoo (
He's not wrong... (cooperlit comics) (
"Heavy is the Burger" by Extra Fabulous Comics (
‘Amazing’: Queensland mum uses electric car to ‘save’ son’s life with dialysis during power outage (
An electric vehicle owner has used her car’s emergency power system to run her 11-year-old son’s lifesaving dialysis machine and another has ridden to the rescue of his neighbours after devastating storms cut power in south-east Queensland....
"Happy End" by War and Peas (
Source: Website - RSS