The implied problem you aren’t understanding is scope. Restoring your machines functionality and determining that if you do blank the universe breaks IS AN ACTUAL SOLUTION TO YOUR PROBLEM that is in scope and highly efficient. The company probably doesn’t pay you to piddle fuck around nor does it pay the IT guy to make you piddle fucking around work out.
Digging in to the problem and figuring out an exact reproduction of the bug so that a bug can be filed with the appropriate owner of the whatever code and a fix instituted at some point would be far more interesting and fun, even more so if its in code you actually control and you can actually fix it but its likely not actually productive unless you can make a strong case for it.
The cost of fixing your stuff in 15 minutes and having you back in action is about $12.50. The cost of spending 3 days on it is $1200. Surely you understand why it works the way it works.
“Granny” has evolved. In 1985 granny at the tender age of 60 was born when 65% of households didn’t have electricity and she came of age when the height of sophistication was the typewriter.
In 2010 granny saw computers become a thing when she was 40 become usable by 55 and pervasive at work by the time she retired.
In 2024 granny saw computers become a thing right when she became an adult. Her kids had them. She used them. By the time she was 46 they were literally everywhere and unavoidable
By 2034 granny saw computers become a thing when she was a kid and they were everywhere by her early adulthood.
This isn’t an argument against GUIs which are in fact useful but lets not pretend everyone is an idiot either. Honestly I don’t find googles GUI for managing android apps even slightly usable as far as finding software either. I always end up searching on an actual search engine, finding the exact app I need and then installing it. Android with its mega millions of users doesn’t have a better ux than apt.
You said we need 5 billion acres but that is more than all the present space used to grow crops worldwide. It’s hard to imagine how you think this is possible
This suggests the question why do most of the highly educated people who have spent their lives studying the question think differently? Why is the universe obligated to be made of something easy to measure and understand?
It’s not thought to be genetic otherwise it would be heritable and its clearly not. It would also have self extinguished before too long if it ever got a foothold in the first place.
It’s likely a construction issue having something to do with something that happens in the womb rather than to do with the blueprints.
If it is not in the kernel and the manufacturer doesn’t provide one, don’t expect fun times.
This could be shorted to if your device has no driver it wont work which is obviously true.
If you have very recent hardware and you find it doesn’t work out of the box on stable options the easiest thing to do is install a more recent kernel. Even current Ubuntu non-LTS is 2-4 releases behind.
It’s even easier in arch/void where the latest kernel is already available.
Respectfully if DKMS wasn’t automatically kicking in then you configured it incorrectly. It’s a lot easier to just rely on a package that sets this up for you properly. If for some reason this can’t be done the logical thing to do is script the process so that all operations are completed in the appropriate order that way you needn’t remember to do one then the other.
To recap. He said as a person in a threatened NATO country he was glad we spent lots of money on our military because it might be needed to help protect his country. You said something on the order of “what are you even talking about” I explained this in smaller words.
You said some warm fuzzy stuff and I said if you wanted people to care you had to make them care about people not abstractions. You then went off on 17 tangents and that brings us up to date.
You seem to feel like I’ve taken a contrary position everything you’ve ever said or indeed thought based on you projecting everything your mad about onto me. Have you considered having a coffee and leaving and coming in again?