neonred, (edited )

sudo apt-get install firefox qutebrowser


Not accurate, firefox comes preinstalled


Not on NixOS we dont


SnowflakeOS aims to do that, check it out. It’s a pretty small project though, so don’t expect too much


Patently false

BrownianMotion, avatar

sudo apt install lynx

Linux users that use the software store are not Linux users. The store is only there for your mum and dad.


This will surely bring more users to Linux


Lynx is a tremendously shitty browser and most distros pre-install firefox. Real users just click the firefox icon


Gatekeeping like this holds Linux back from broader adoption

BrownianMotion, avatar

Did you read someone else’s post, and decide to get on this bullshit “gatekeeping” bandwagon? You’re a misinformed malcontent. spew you copypasta bullshit elsewhere.


Real Linux users don’t install software using a mouse.

TeddE, avatar

Yes they do. I will not have you gatekeeping Linux users (even for humor sake), just because we insist on having options.

I want my ‘the year of the Linux desktop’ damnit, and that won’t happen if granny is stuck in Windows because nobody makes a GUI update button.


“Granny” has evolved. In 1985 granny at the tender age of 60 was born when 65% of households didn’t have electricity and she came of age when the height of sophistication was the typewriter.

In 2010 granny saw computers become a thing when she was 40 become usable by 55 and pervasive at work by the time she retired.

In 2024 granny saw computers become a thing right when she became an adult. Her kids had them. She used them. By the time she was 46 they were literally everywhere and unavoidable

By 2034 granny saw computers become a thing when she was a kid and they were everywhere by her early adulthood.

This isn’t an argument against GUIs which are in fact useful but lets not pretend everyone is an idiot either. Honestly I don’t find googles GUI for managing android apps even slightly usable as far as finding software either. I always end up searching on an actual search engine, finding the exact app I need and then installing it. Android with its mega millions of users doesn’t have a better ux than apt.

TeddE, avatar

Fair point. My apologies to all the tech hip grannies of the world.

There are people who consider themselves not tech savvy, and don’t plan to learn. Is there a good term you’d recommend as slang for these people?


Is there a good term you’d recommend as slang for these people?

Windows users. It’s kind of useless to optimize a product for users who have no interest in it.

BrownianMotion, avatar

okay Judge Dredd. Because you make the difference to the Linux world. piss off back to whatever OS you were using before you “discovered Linux” 6 months ago.

TeddE, avatar

Oh! What a spicy comment!

It’s funny - some of my first Linux experiences was to try out compiz-fusion back when it was new about 20 years ago. Wobbly windows is the key feature that I fell in love with Linux over. Or rather a compositor that provided great control over the desktop experience that made it fun, and people like you were angry back then that nobody needs eye candy. Nowadays, composite graphics are standard in Windows, Mac, Gnome and KDE.

I’m glad that the community overall has grown up, and that most distros focus on being usable by every user, not just power users


sudo apt install firefox

SpaceCowboy, avatar

This guy has super cow powers.


That would be sudo apt install cowsay

cypherpunks, avatar


bradboimler, avatar

No i download the source code to Chromium and i build it from source with Widevine.


Why would you want Widevine in your browser?


bc no streaming service works otherwise and if my family catches me pirating I am dunzo


not sure what dunzo entails

dabaldeagul, avatar


uis, (edited ) avatar

Pirate harder, pirate smarter

bradboimler, avatar

Because right now I don’t have the money to replace my NAS that died so for now I have to use streaming service and my kids will watch Netflix on my laptop sometimes and I need it to function and Firefox is always slower for me.


Great, you can accomplish the bare essentials with Linux.

Now how do I install a program called chirp for programming 2 way radios?

Searched for a week and gave up as each set of instructions lead down a broken, redundant dependency rabbit hole with no solution in sight, Flatpack this, snap that, no explanation or even a searchable clue that could begin me a solution.

In windows I just unzip the nightly build to a directory of my choice, run the executable and it works.

Sure… Not everyone knows or needs to know about these edge case applications, but point stands, it works in windows, and everyone encounters an edge case sooner or later.

I’m keen to ditch the Microsoft hole, and I have no issue with making an effort to learn, but I can’t afford to or my life in hold for hours or days at a time in order to accomplish things that already work in seconds.

I think my simple issue here is… I’m not incompetent. I can comfortably navigate a fine system in a shell, can mount and unmount, can tar -xvzf a tarball, can do most things up to writing a shell script from scratch (could cobble something


yay -S chirp-next worked with zero rabbit holes, and chirp-next worked immediately.

GravelPieceOfSword, (edited )

No software is guaranteed to run on all platforms: the developers choose to make it available or not.

I did some quick googling, and it seems fairly easy to install it:

Use Ubuntu (if you’re not familiar with, and don’t want to be familiar with terminal basics), and install chirp from the Ubuntu App store. Snap is just a name of their package format, and their app store links to snap craft.

If you’re not using Ubuntu, that’s your choice, you’ll either have to install snap, then do the same, but it’s more work. Or play with the terminal just a bit to follow their instructions.


If you’re on Ubuntu or have snap installed - it’s a one click operation to install chirp:

If you’re on another distribution by choice:…/ChirpOnLinux

this page has a 3 step install for mainstream Linux distributions:

  1. Install dependencies (they’ve listed the commands)
  2. Install chirp and Python dependencies (commands provided)
  3. Run chirp


I’m no bash wizard, but I grew up with computers through the 80’s and am comfortable with using a cli, doesn’t bother me at all.

My OP got messed up with the Lemmy app I’m using and thus a large chunk went missing.

I’m actually using Raspian on a raspberry pi, and I don’t think there is a binary for armhf available through the more typical means.

For everything else I just apt-get install xxx.

I’ll revisit later.

I appreciate the effort in your post.

captain_aggravated, avatar

I just installed chirp on my Linux Mint machine from the GUI package manager. It’s packaged as a .deb file. Don’t know what your issue is.


Neither do I. If the errors made sense or the tutorials were more current I suspect I’d have no issue.


Huh. I’ve used chirp under Linux before and I just installed it with my package manager. Maybe it wasn’t available on your distro? Then it can get a lot more tricky. The other problem with these things can be permissions… once you have chirp installed maybe you need to add your user to the dial out group in order to be able to use the serial port to flash the radios.


paru -S floorp

Steamymoomilk, (edited )

no, no, no its too easy, Wheres the terminals? and the long compile time.

(this post was written partially from and intel compute stick running gentoo, which started compiling 7hours ago and still is)

mmmm tasty 2GB of ram

uis, avatar

Set EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS=“-a” in make.conf and never bother writing --ask again


I will half to do that thanks for the tip!!

uis, avatar

You can shorten this list of flags to -DuN. For comedic effect you can run emerge -DuN -DuN -DuuuN @world


Dear god, just yesterday I had to wait pretty much an entire day just for ungoogled-chromium to compile, and I have 8 cores with 16GB of ram. I can’t imagine having to do that with just 2GB of ram with 4 cores.


Noob. Back in my day, I needed 7 (seven) days to compile my custom kernel (1.x without RLL and MFM support) and when I booted it, it often panic’d lol.


Bro this is like pineapple on pizza, you know some people like it, but you also know that is objectively fucking WRONG. WTF

These days I wouldn’t dare to even chrome my windows.


Chrome is literally the same shit as Chromium but with (more) spyware. Like, there are no other added features. And some people still choose to download Chrome. WHY!?!?!?

Urist, avatar

Some consider the spyware to be a feature ^TM^


Pineapple is delicious on pizza thank you.


You’re welcome


Chrome? Never! Only firefox. Eventually chromium.

0x2d, (edited )

browsers i have:

firefox (main)

librewolf (😏)

vivaldi (no longer have installed except on my phone)

chromium (for webusb)


Get yourself a copy of Floorp. It’ like Librewolf but better.

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