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Huh. I’ve used chirp under Linux before and I just installed it with my package manager. Maybe it wasn’t available on your distro? Then it can get a lot more tricky. The other problem with these things can be permissions… once you have chirp installed maybe you need to add your user to the dial out group in order to be able to use the serial port to flash the radios.

What is the least shit online store of the shitty ones? such as: Wish, AliExpress, etc..

What is the least shitty shit store? Never had a good experience with any of the shops such as, wish, aliexpress and the rest of em. But which one of them is considered the better one, or more likely to actually arrive with the correct item? Is etsy considered better than the rest? Are there any of these “low priced” stores...


It’s egregious too. They all pretend it’s handmade crafts… that AliExpress happens to have exact copies of for a tenth of the price.


Mine always have the ReplyTo field set to the email of the senior security analyst, so I always say hi and tell them that maybe the higher ups need some training on how to not send sketchy as fuck emails that train people to click on phishing links.


Running Jellyfin off of a VPS provider seems needlessly expensive. I guess server hardware has an upfront cost, but having real hardware to host it on at home will be far more cost effective long term, especially for storage.


60 fps when you were getting 20 on windows…? Wat? Were shaders still compiling on Windows?


What game were you comparing?


I don’t really have much of an opinion about Wayland but it’s still funny to me whenever somebody using Wayland shits on X11 and then tries to share their screen on Zoom or something. If Wayland ends up being great I’ll be happy, but for now X11 just kind of works, so I don’t understand why people are so eager to switch? This isn’t to say I don’t understand the desire to build something better and more secure than X11, I’m just not sure what the end user gets out of Wayland right now. I don’t have VRR monitors and stuff, though, so maybe I’m not running into problems I would be if I wanted fancier features. Plus, I use xmonad and some other stuff right now that won’t work on Wayland, so I don’t have much incentive to try it. Hopefully everything gets Wayland updates eventually.


Probably, but my exposure to Wayland has just been people complaining about how much X11 sucks and then proceeding to have more problems than everybody else.


Weird that your father-in-law is a teenager.


I can totally understand why the terminal seems confusing and scary right now, but it’s actually awesome for this kind of stuff because you can just copy and paste commands to do pretty much anything to your computer. Using a GUI often means having a bunch of screenshots that you have to follow manually to do something that a single command can do. Once you’re used to the terminal for these kinds of things GUIs can seem barbaric. Of course it seems scary before you know much about it because it seems like the fucking matrix, and you should only run commands from sources you trust (because they can do anything)… But it’s worth giving a chance, I think.

For this particular instance… often you can just download an application on Linux from a website and run it, but this is almost never the preferred way of doing things. Usually you install applications from your package manager, which is kind of like an App Store (but free), and the advantage of this is that 1) you don’t have to hunt down sketchy executables on the internet, you have a vetted source of safe packages from your distribution, and 2) you can easily update all of your packages. Having a one stop shop for all of your applications (or at least most) is really great, but it can be a little annoying when something you want isn’t in the official repos (like this), though it’s usually a fairly rare occurrence.


Oh good, you wrote basically the exact response I was going to give!

The only other thing I would mention is… if you don’t know what a command is, you can and should look it up! You can use the internet, but you can also try “man sudo” or “info sudo” and do a bit of reading. It might not make sense at first, but you’ll start building up a vocabulary really quickly.


DNS setups can get fairly complicated with enterprise VPNs and stuff, but the main thing is probably just that DNS is built entirely around caching, so when something does go wrong or you’re trying to update something it’s easy for there to be a stale value somewhere. It’s also really fundamental, so when it breaks it can break anything.

Overall, though, DNS isn’t terribly complex. It’s mostly just a key-value store with some caching. Running your own nameservers is pretty cool and will give you a much better understanding of how it all fits together and scales.


The abysmal adoption of DNSSEC is just embarrassing, and I haven’t heard any good arguments for why we shouldn’t do it. There’s one blog post that gets passed around as justification for not adopting DNSSEC, but it doesn’t really go into any technical detail and is mostly just the author saying “I’m scared of governments and TLDs”… which is maybe fair, but you still have to trust them for regular CA certs and everything, so why not make thr base secure?

Honestly, I might care slightly more about DNSSEC than IPv6 adoption… IPv4 exhaustion and NATing everywhere sucks, but the fact that you can’t trust DNS is like… insane.


I guess it depends how much of a frequency shift you do, but I imagine with the blanking intervals it will mostly just sound like a nasty sawtooth wave?


For what it’s worth I also haven’t had any problems. Maybe we’re just lucky, though.


I feel you and I’ve been fighting this. I feel like personally I’m a lot happier and find it easier to do things when I actually do my hobbies… It’s kind of like exercise. You often don’t want to do it when you’re busy and tired, but if you do it consistently you usually have more energy and feel better in the long term. Totally understand it can be a luxury to even consider doing a hobby, and I definitely don’t know your situation, but I hope you can push through and get to a better balance! Life’s too hard sometimes :(.


I’m really more into 24-hour programming, which sounds unhealthy… Uh, military programming?


I got my general license, but I’m too scared to talk to people 🥲


I’m really curious about bonsai but it seems hard to get into! I also worry that I don’t have a good eye for aesthetics, and that might be a problem too, haha. It seems really cool though.

… also maybe this seems like a stupid concern, but sometimes I wonder if it’s cruel to the tree? I know little actual details, though… and also most people wouldn’t care about a tree’s feelings, haha.


I think there’s an EchoLink repeater near me? I just have a baofeng. I’m planning on building a QMX soon because I feel like CW and digital modes would be fun and I kind of want to go on bike trips and do radio or something. I think I need to look up how POTA and SOTA work. I’m not a big talker in real life, I’ve always kind of preferred written communication, so I’m hoping Morse code helps, haha.

The other thing is I’m just kind of worried about getting the etiquette wrong or doing something wrong, even though it doesn’t really seem that complicated.


Yeah, I had a couple of good conversations on repeaters when I first got my license, but I’m a bit of an introvert so I always feel a bit weird after a conversation like “did I fuck this up?” haha. And the extra rules and unspoken etiquette around radio is a bit intimidating, but I think as long as you identify every 10 minutes or whatever and stay in band nobody will get too mad at you.

I’m really excited about getting into CW actually, and QRP seems interesting and like a really fun challenge. I actually built a pixie kit recently, but I used it as soldering practice before building the QMX mini that I got recently. Hopefully I’ll have some time to build that soon :). I can mostly copy short 5 or so letter words in my head now at 40 WPM, but I haven’t practiced in a few weeks (and obviously I fall behind on complex words or longer ones). I’m a bit nervous about trying to actually send and receive Morse in the wild though, and I REALLY don’t know the etiquette and q-codes and shorthand associated with that yet, but I guess I’ll learn!


You’ll need to pay $35 (I think?) and write a multiple choice exam.…

The exam is relatively easy, and you can find lots of resources for practice exams and stuff. At first you’ll have a hard time with some specific questions, but you’ll get the hang of it. If you want they usually let you write the general and the extra exams after the technician for no extra fee (they’re harder but give you a better license with more permissions. Technician gives you a lot, though)

If you’re at all interested you should do it! Getting licensed doesn’t take much time, even if it seems a little daunting at first. Then you’re ready to go when you get the itch!


I was surprised by this too! I mean I can understand thinking that crepes will be hard because they’re pretty dainty and might be delicate, but they’re surprisingly easy to do.

Chobbes, (edited )

But it all happens at compile time. That’s the difference.

No, when you have a library like SDL you will have functions that wrap lower level libraries for interacting with the screen and devices. At SDL’s compile time you may have preprocessor macros or whatever which select the implementation of these functions based on the platform, but at run time you still have the extra overhead of these SDL function calls when using the library. The definitions won’t be inlined, and there will be extra overhead to provide a consistent higher level interface, as it won’t exactly match the lower level APIs. It doesn’t matter if it’s compiled, there’s still overhead.

C is just a language, it’s not native. Native means the binary that will execute on hardware is decided at compile time, in other words, it’s not jitted for the platform it’s running on.

Wine doesn’t really involve any jitting, though, it’s just an implementation of the Windows APIs in the Linux userspace… So, arguably it’s as native as anything else. The main place where JIT will occur is for shader compilation in DXVK, where the results will be cached, and there is still JIT going on on the “native windows” side anyway.

If you don’t consider C code compiled to native assembly to be native, then this is all moot, and pretty much nothing is native! I agree that C is just a language so it’s not necessarily compiled down to native assembly, but if you don’t consider it native code when it is… Then what does it mean to be native?

the binary that will execute on hardware is decided at compile time

This is true for interpreted languages. The interpreter is a fixed binary that executes on hardware, and you can even bake in the program being interpreted into an executable! You could argue that control flow is determined dynamically by data stored in memory, so maybe that’s what makes it “non-native”, but this is technically true for any natively compiled binary program too :). There’s a sense in which every program that manipulates data is really just an interpreter, so why consider one to be native and not the other? Even native assembly code isn’t really what’s running on the processor due to things like microcode, and arguably speculative execution is a fancy kind of JIT that happens in hardware which essentially dynamically performs optimizations like loop unrolling… It’s more of a grey area than you might think, and nailing down a precise mathematical definition of “native code” is tricky!

I assume you’re not talking about a compiler that generates C code here, right? If it’s outputting C, then no, it’s not native code yet.

But it will be native code :). Pretty much all compilers go through several translation steps between intermediate languages, and it’s not uncommon for compilers to use C as an intermediate language, Vala does this for instance, and even compilers for languages like Haskell have done this in the past. C is a less common target these days, as many compiler front ends will spit out LLVM instead, but it’s still around. Plus, there’s often more restricted C-like languages in the middle. Haskell’s GHC still uses Cmm which is a C-like language for compilation, for example.

Well first off, games don’t ship with their HLSL (unlike OGL where older games DID have to ship with GLSL), they ship with DXBC/DXIL, which is the DX analog to spir-v (or, more accurately, vice versa).

Sure, and arguably it’s a little different to ship a lower level representation, but there will still be a compilation step for this, so you’re arguably not really introducing a new compilation step anyway, just a different one for a different backend. If you consider a binary that you get from a C compiler to be native code, why shouldn’t we consider this to be native code :)? It might not be as optimized as it could have been otherwise, but there’s plenty of native programs where that’s the case anyway, so why consider this to be any different?

Ultimately the native vs. non-native distinction doesn’t really matter, and arguably this distinction doesn’t even really exist — it’s not really easy to settle on a formal definition for this distinction that’s satisfying. The only thing that matters is performance, and people often use these things such as “it’s a compiled language” and “it has to go through fewer translation layers / layers of indirection” as a rule of thumb to guess whether something is less efficient than it could be, but it doesn’t always hold up and it doesn’t always matter. Arguably this is a case where it doesn’t really matter. There’s some overhead with wine and DXVK, but it clearly performs really well (and supposedly better in some cases), and it’s hard to truly compare because the platforms are so different in the first place, so maybe it’s all close enough anyway :).

Also to be clear, it’s not that I don’t see your points, and in a sense you’re correct! But I don’t believe these distinctions are as mathematically precise as you do, which is my main point :). Anyway, I hope you have a happy holidays!

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