It’s the level of pacifism any westerner gets on as soon as the oppressed fight back. These galaxy-brained “all sides bad!” posters would rather the oppressed just follow Gandhi’s advice and do their enemies job for them.
There was an overwhelming support for the war on Iraq, especially in the media. I think only one or two US representatives voted against it, and maybe one British rep.
I love that one so much. You and I are really close on a rewatch, my partner and I just started season 4 a week ago. Get ready for some of the best trek … really best TV ever made.
Yep, and he’d probably return other people’s carts too while grunting about the decay of federation morals and wishing he could put them in the brig for a few hours.
So many people still think its ok for them to do📱 (
Always a smokescreen to take away your rights. Epstein plead guilty in 2008 to trafficking children to nobody.
Remember, if Fascism wins it is YOUR FAULT. (
I love piped bot (
Twitter in 1852 (
How social media's biggest user protest rocked Reddit (
Year-end recap from The Guardian.
Odo on the Promenade (
Pelosi labels anti-genocide protesters in the US as funded by China. (
cross-posted from:
Let me tell you something about Hew-mons (
Better Europe, anyone? (
I saw @ledlecreeper27 's post and wound up making a larger version of it (with my own changes)...
If Twitter existed in 2003 (
Remember: 9 months until we build a statue of this guy. (
Rule (
I'm addicted (
Pledge your allegiance (
Humanity's achievement (
Dukat is upset they still haven't built a statue of him in the parking lot for pushing a cart into traffic (
Q intentionally leaves his cart in the blind spot behind the most expensive car in the lot (
Its the only way. (
I hate sand (
When life imitates art (