Hmmmm do you want to write to both shift register at the same time? I say this because you’re looping 16 times, but seem to be sending the high and low bytes out 16 times over rather than one bit each time, although you are shifting the input.
You can replace it with any resistor with the same resistance and power rating. It may be easier to solder a larger through hole resistor onto the pads. I think other posters have figured it out, but you can search for resistor code information to decode it yourself. You can buy resistors lots of places, RadioShack was the go to place but I think hardware stores sometimes have them. If you’re not in a rush I recommend ordering a kit with a few different kinds.
Peertube for sure. Seems to work great whenever I try it, but I’m not a political extremist or European so most of the instances I’ve come across aren’t interesting to me. I would recommend starting your own instance, but also YouTube is YouTube because they actually pay creators if that’s something you’re looking for.