You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is, ‘never get involved in a border war with the Romulans,’ but only slightly less well-known is this: 'Never go in against a Pakled when Scrap is on the line! HAHAHAHHA
Or better (maybe):
'Never go in against c/RISA when shitposting is on the line! HAHAHAHHA
father (
Directed by JJ Abrams (
Stanley Kubrick is a magician (
Having to re-teach your parents how to work the smart T.V. (
The new Q episode is fire (
what did you expect? (
The Turbo Lift is broken (
Slow your role, Neil. (
The Dread Nausicaan Roberts did not kill him in the morning... (
At Risa, the pastabilities are endless. (
You morons just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room! (
Star Trek: The Sexed Generation (
Long, but absolutely worth the watch. I haven’t laughed that much in a loooong time.
Fun Fact: Mike Tyson auditioned for Chakotay's role in Voyager (
The perfect marriage (
It's Jeffery Combs. It's always Jeffery Combs. (
They're the same picture (
There's an anomalous power signature in the neon FTL ramscoop. (
Technobabble Generator