Yes, Martin Luther did translate the Gutenberg Bible from Latin, Hebrew, and Greek into German. His translation was then printed at a high number and distributed in 1534. This was one of the first times that the Bible became accessible for the masses in their own language.
Well…if you put it that way, there’s not much point about anything at all, is there? The universe is one big suburban cul-de-sac where everything is lame, as I sit moping and pouting with arms crossed, Amazon is “out for delivery” but hasn’t arrived yet.
Fortunately, there are healthier ways of looking at existence, courtesy of philosophies such as Buddhism and Stoicism, to namecheck two currently popular views on the matter.
Compounding the problem, this environment rewards charlatans and sociopaths. There will always be some that will exploit a weak spot in the system, in bad faith, no matter what the system is.
So strange that everyone looks back at hip-hop in the 90s and 90% of the time it’s about stuff like Tupac and NWA, while another parallel current with bands such as De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest and Arrested Development gets overlooked.
Those bands were extraordinary, like Hip Hop in a tradition of Stevie Wonder, and kept putting out excellent albums that sound just as fresh today and are just as influential as anything from that era, but mid-decade the music industry swept them aside swiftly and unceremoniously, to make way for West Coast and Gangsta Rap.
The all-powerful all-knowing Creator Of The Universe… needs little old ladies to at least once a week open up their pocketbooks and make a check out to The Creator, through His official human regional managers, because The Creator Of The Universe… does not have direct access to the Federal Reserve or any of the banks, and even with a constant stream of revenue from little old ladies AND a privileged tax status, He ALWAYS seems to be bitching and whining about how He. Needs. More. Money! I guess?
The term they should have used from the get-go is “measurement” instead of “observation”. Humans will always tack on mystical mumbo jumbo if given a chance, muddying up the waters for us laymen trying to learn, and “measurement” sounds much more neutral to me.
I don’t think I’ll ever understand why Lucas kept that crappy special effect intact in the special edition while hyper-fixating on the singer’s tonsils at Jabba’s palace. Or making Luke scream “NOOOOO…!” as he willingly let go of that Cloud City vane thingamajig. Or putting R2D2 behind rocks he couldn’t fit through in the Tatooine desert while Luke gets attacked by Tusken Raiders.
Talk about having the wrong priorities every step of the way.
Or something that came up while channel-surfing on TV and decided to leave it on for a minute, put the control aside, and ended up watching the rest.
Back while in high school, one weeknight I stumbled across Jean Luc Godard’s “A Bout De Soufflé” (“Breathless”) on our town’s local channel, at just the right moment when it seemed like the film was skipping. Intrigued, I left it on, soon enough figured out that this was intentional editing. By the end, my mind was blown and my way of looking at film and art had changed forever.
…so they can tighten the screws even further, making lives even less happy, less prosperous, less rewarding. All they ever do is dig deeper into the mudpit they drag everyone down into.
No connection. This breed is native to Mesoamerica and was completely unknown across the Atlantic. And you don’t need to invoke these fellas when you are already THE God Of Jackals - which are carrion eaters, and I believe Xolos are not.
Fun fact: I once dated a girl who had TWO of these Xolos. They have a vibe all their own, let me tell ya.
The older one didn’t really care too much for me one way or the other, but the younger one… one time I shooed her away from something in my own bedroom, she stared right at me, turned to the floor to throw up, then looked back up to keep staring at me. It was unnerving.
Another fun fact: the professional soccer team from Tijuana are called The Xolos.
We must record everything (
Via Poorly Drawn Lines
"Purpose" by PoorlyDrawnLines (
Source: Website - RSS
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This question inspired by this post..
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link 1...
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The Xoloitzcuintli is an ancient Aztec breed native to Mexico, once considered as guides for the dead on their journey to the underworld (