Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
The question does not require a single name, it said who, which can be answered with a list of people or groups of people. Eg. Who did I make love to last night? A: Your parents!
I didn’t watch Discovery but Picard is 100% pewpew. Its like they only watched the Trek movies. Even the third season, which was hailed as a “return to trek” when released is absolutely still Movie Picard and not TNG Picard.
Since i see so much linux talk on lemmy i got curious and watched a video about the common distros. How true is the information in this video? The person hardly describes why debian and arch are just better than every other distro. At least i’m definitely now curious about Mint or something for gaming.
It’s a parallel, tech company supporting the surveillance systems of a fascist state, hoping to score big. The one who has private knowledge of the weaknesses in the systems of a majority of processors, which they developed.
Which of your favorite creators content quality went downhill very quickly?
Kind of a trend, the amount of youtubers who i had loved but their content became generic after gaining popularity is quite a bit, most drastic one being mrwhosetheboss, his uniqueness went down faster than MH27 MH17
alternative to trees (
What happens when Linus dies/retires?
Will we all be fucked or is there a Linus 2?
Useless messenger (
And no IPad version to
Too soon! (
By Zayatoon comics
The Circle of AI Life (
Weapons of Gas Production (
This is just cruel (
W.... Will they stream it? (
Nerds of equal standing. (
What do you think about this? (
Since i see so much linux talk on lemmy i got curious and watched a video about the common distros. How true is the information in this video? The person hardly describes why debian and arch are just better than every other distro. At least i’m definitely now curious about Mint or something for gaming.
Rest in Plasma (
Getting spoiled by big budgets and CG can ruin your palate. (
And don’t get me started on modern conveniences.
Intel is investing 25 Billion dollars into Israel. That is the biggest investment any company has ever made to Israel. (…/israel-grants-intel-3-2bn-for-lar…
We all know this is how it works (
least unhinged econ researcher (
Power Management Bugs Hold Up Some Linux Laptops Due To Regulatory Requirements (
'Harlem Hellfighters' Military Band Returning to New York, WW1, 1919 (