That has nothing to do with the topic, you’re right, I could’ve put it more nicely. I’m just tired of “compile it yourself” to people without computers being considered an appropriate answer for a criticism of bad distribution. This app seems wonderfully useful and could have huge popularity, but it’s being artificially gatekept by the creator.
Theyre talking about atheists in 00s10s that were ex-Christians who were still closed minded and hateful, and essentially using the same flawed evangelism tactics as Christians (not great). They don’t recognize that not all religions are the same, that different ones have different goals, and never considered why someone would choose to practice any form of spirituality, labelling it as a form of religion.
I didn’t watch Discovery but Picard is 100% pewpew. Its like they only watched the Trek movies. Even the third season, which was hailed as a “return to trek” when released is absolutely still Movie Picard and not TNG Picard.
It’s a parallel, tech company supporting the surveillance systems of a fascist state, hoping to score big. The one who has private knowledge of the weaknesses in the systems of a majority of processors, which they developed.