Maybe I’m dumb but I don’t understand the “format” - are the top and bottom sections of text supposed to be related to the middle text? Why is the text over a bottle of alcohol?
Yup. Guilty as charged. If I need two pages and I’ve got like 1 3/4 of a page, I’ll copy/ paste my entire report into chatgpt and ask it to make it a little longer. Then go through the changes, modify the bits I like and cut out the parts I don’t.
I still know incredibly little about the Tor browser and how it works, but I appreciate your response!
I guess I don’t understand what the difference is between using the Tor browser and just using a VPN. I’ve also got very little idea what a “node” is so that’s probably my issue haha.
My recommendation with act 3 is to split it up between multiple playthroughs. If you’re like me and care a little about the roleplaying aspect, just do the things your PC or party members would feel important. I’d spent a long time and made some decisions I personally wouldn’t have made if not for keeping with my characters’ story; it didn’t make sense to me to go hunting down every nook and cranny of a huge city while it’s on the brink of destruction. There’s just too much to do!
I’ve never understood the “all the notifications!” arguments. This community is filled with Linux enthusiasts who redesign OS’es for aesthetic pleasure, you guys can’t turn off notifications from apps you don’t want notifications from?
This is a shtick of this comic series. The number above the author’s signature indicates how many of these recurring objects (the dynamite, eyeball, I believe the crown is one of them) are present in that comic. This one supposedly has 4 but I can’t find the fourth one anywhere
Like others have said they’re probably using Google as a password manager. When you’re making an account for anything while in the Chrome browser it recommends strong passwords for you such as UjafUif&i$ureT6hj9gzq5hvc$tcgo0be3. Would you memorize it?