What does using a good firewall mean exactly? As I understand it a port is either open or closed right? So what does a good firewall do that a bad one doesn’t?
Pihole is great for blocking on things that you can’t install a local adblocker on. It does have downsides though, it can be annoying and block things you don’t want it to. It might not block ads well on your tv or might impair the functionality in weird ways. It can depend lot on which lists you add, but there are many available and they are usually quite well documented about their intentions.
There’s something really depressing about an AI telling a suicidal person they’re not alone and referring them to the vague notion of “national resources” or “a helpline”
Docker is a messy and not ideal but it was born out of a necessity, getting multiple services to coexist together outside of a container can be a nightmare, updating and moving configuration is a nightmare and removing things can leave stuff behind which gets messier and messier over time. Docker just standardises most of the configuration whilst requiring minimal effort from the developer
A tool that can track price changes on any website automatically is difficult since there isn’t a standard way that prices are presented on a website. As has already been said, changedetection is your best bet