Jon is a smart man. If he were to become President, he would have to make the same kind of hard decisions that Obama made that were unpopular among the public. Being a world leader is like that ethics question of changing the direction of a train to run over 1 person vs 10.
Worse thing you’re going to see about bill Clinton is he flew on the plane. Epstein lent his plane out for various people to take to any number of places, charity events, whatever. There was some rumors about a pilot claiming Clinton visited the Island, but nothing that was confirmed by a second source that I recall.…/bill-clinton-identified-as-…
Jeff Davis of Whose Line, Harmontown knew Ghislaine from night life in LA. He talks about it in one of the last episodes of Harmontown when all this was coming out. They were socialites involved with everyone. It’s great cover, could even be black mail cover. Get an important person drunk or under the influence of something, get a sex worker to take them back to a room, film it. Awful people, but not dumb.
There will be innocent people on this list, and those people will be harmed more than the those on the list that aren’t innocent. You need to keep in mind that Epstein used paling around with famous people as cover. There will be names that associated with him before anything improper came out about him including flying on his plane. A name on this list doesn’t mean anything by itself. Don’t let the ones that are tied to specific situations get away with it by spreading blame onto people who are on a list without any specific allegations.
Aside from Boats, Tunnels, Ladders, Airplanes, Ropes or any of the large gaps where it’s not feasible to build a wall on. It’s more useful as a grift to pay Republican donors in the form of bloated contracts than it is effective at stopping people from crossing the border.
That’s exactly what I’m talking about. If a lot of your comments are pointing out logical fallacies against bad people then it looks like you’re muddying the waters. For example pointing out logic fallacies in arguments against conservatives but not doing the same against liberals wouldn’t make you wrong outright, but you’d be wrong by omission.
Using that as an example, if you spend a lot of most of your time let’s say defending little details about bad people it can come off as someone muddying the waters on purpose to downplay the awful things they do.
Or maybe your just on some shitty subs full of dumb people 🤷♂️
The alternative is a party only focused on making the rich richer and staying in power even if they have to kill democracy to do it. I’d take partial solutions or failed attempts at doing the right thing every time over that. We don’t have other realistic options. From time to time we get populists who are mostly talk.
The word corruption gets thrown out far too much too. Those that break the law should be punished, but simply adding something to a bill to benefit your constituency is literally the job, and far too often I hear people say that’s corruption. It’s compromise.
I’m confused. Is this a bit? You’re essentially describing the Democratic Party and all the things progressives complaining about the party “really being conservative” compared to the rest of the world.
This is the correct answer. Pretending there are more than two choices doesn’t stop Roe from being abolished. You have to play the hand your dealt, etc.
It doesn’t matter. If liberals and centrists did nothing, they’d just fabricate that they were coming for guns. It’s a cult. Facts and Reason don’t come into it.
I did this one time accidentally. Needed to drop my car off for inspection and the guy on the phone told me to drop it off at 8am. I needed to catch their shuttle to work, so I interpreted that as it needed to be dropped by by 8am, not that they opened at 8am. He could have been clearer over the phone, and their hours were posted on a small piece of paper on a bulletin board two feet to the right of the door.