Somebody is. Either way. I don’t want to let strangers online my phone and home address. Ideally, I would want a p.o box type thing or mail forwarding. I don’t care for them scanning my packages.
This is the guide I followed when I was installing Arch manually. I hope the method has not changed. Make sure to choose the correct partition if you’re planning on dual booting.
I asked my physics professor if it was even worth learning latex if I don’t want to pursue physics and he told me not to because it would consume so much time. On the bright side, the documents would look very well formated.
I had a pretty good holiday, although, I found out that my little friend group at school are really conservative Christians and apparently they still support Trump.
Every tech noob user I see. Worse if it’s mac because 1) I cannot use it for the life of me and 2) almost every Mac user stores it in the same default downloads folder and won’t know what path it’s in unless they use the Finder tool.