Agreed! Way better. I just hate how ‘viable’ is such a moving target. You can always find SOMETHING to dismiss it with. Linux is ‘unviable’ because of some random game that doesn’t work or because of some new feature in the latest whizbang. If that is viable we’ll never be there.
Viable is when it meets one’s needs sufficiently, not when it can do some impossible list of tasks perfectly. Viable isn’t perfect, and I hate it when people pretend it is.
I never understood premade whipped cream. It takes two minutes to make. Cream, bowl, a little liqueur, tiny bit of salt, then go to town. Use a mixer if you need one, a hand beater isn’t expensive.
Ugh. As in blaming someone, casting aspersions on them for something that isn’t their fault or responsibility. Words broaden in meaning. If you’re going to quibble about semantics, I got nothing to say to you.
There was a good selection back then too is what I’m saying. Minecraft. Literally every web based game. It was a fine gaming platform, there was more than enough to keep you busy, if you weren’t picky.
I played a lot of WoW back then, it ran fine. Speaking personally. I guess if you want to gatekeep gamer hard enough you could call Linux nonviable back then but I always thought it was dumb. A ball and a deck of cards are viable gaming platforms. :p
I was counting that. Whiping cream is super fast once you know how, cleanup is easy. And buying heavy cream is something I would usually do anyway. Buying the prewhipped stuff takes no less effort than buying a carton.