If we ever found intelligent aliens, some of us would absolutely try to convert them to christianity, and there are already plans to exploit planetoids for their resources. We are the alien invaders, sans space travel.
He fought in world war 2 against the enemy that had attacked his country, which happened to be the enemy of the Axis Powers. If you think the complex geopolitical situation of '40s Europe can be resolved by “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” or other reductionisms, you are beyond help.
I never said they were communists. They are simply fascists who think they’re communists, or that their values align with communism. That’s why I’ve included present-day Russia. And yes, murder, rape, and pillage is exactly what the Russian invaders are doing to Ukrainians, and what the Chinese government’s military is doing to Uyghurs.
hungary thing
I guess that’s also fitting. It was the failed revolution of 1956 october 23rd, when organized rebels almost toppled the communist government in Budapest, but soviet tanks arrived and drove them back. It’s not nearly as well-known as Tiananmen Square, though.
isn’t that the same thing you get angry at tankies for?
This is what really pisses me off. You haven’t lived the reality that tankies want to restore and propagate. My great-grandfather fought against them and lost. My grandparents and parents lived under Stalinist rule. I was lucky enough to be born after its collapse.
Tankies are not an ethnicity, religion, or nationality. Nobody’s born a tankie, they pick up stupid and dangerous ideas that get reinforced in their online echo chamber, but without the reality check of having to live in the world they want to create.
Tankies are fascists dressed in red. Idiots who see Stalin’s SSSR and Pooh Bear’s China, and lately, Swollen Baldy’s Russia as utopias and human rights violations, systemic oppression, genocide, torture and rape of ethnic groups, as necessary acts to be celebrated. The term originates from the famous Tiananmen Square photo of the guy standing in front of tanks – tankies would be the people in the tanks.
Tankies are so far off the deep end that it’s impossible to reason with them. The only thing you can do is excise them.