The Endsinger is up there. FFXIV Endwalker spoilers follow.
spoilerShe was tasked with finding the meaning of life, but the vast indifference of the universe turned her into the incarnation of depression. She determined that life is pointless and invariably leads to suffering, and decided to end all life in the universe as a kindness. She made her nest at the edge of creation, where she gathered all of the souls of the dead to prevent their reincarnation and feed on their despair and suffering, to eventually grow powerful enough to accelerate entropy and bring about the heat death of the universe. She was defeated by the power of friendship. And our best frenemy.
On second thought, Valens van Varro is worse. Fuck that guy.
Outside used to have the best graphics, but the development team really dropped the ball with the new asset streaming solution. Textures I would understand (looking at you, RAGE megatextures), but waiting until the camera is up close to load the LOD0 mesh is unacceptable.