
FlyingSquid, ![]()
I have a cousin who got a knighthood in the UK, but he won’t let me call him ‘sir’ no matter how funny I think it is. (He also has a PhD.)
octoperson, But then they don’t use PhD’s preferred pronouns to refer to PhD in the tweet 😔
the_third, A PhD is something that you pour a lot of time in so you can tell most people “nah, just the_third, that’s fine” and a few select people “That’s Dr. the_third to you.”
spudwart, ![]()
Well, actually the “pronoun” would be “The Doctor”. And since it applies in both contexts, it’s applicable to both. However it’s really not a pronoun as much as it’s A unique Proper-noun/noun/pronoun tri-brid.
Basically, it’s all really confusing, we should all just acknowledge this as a Quantum-noun and move on.
JohnDoe, It’s the right kind of doctor, it checks out!
pastel_de_airfryer, When my sister got her doctorate, she told her kids now they can no longer call her mama, now it’s dr. mama
goodgame, When i got mine, my nephews and nieces concatenated uncle and dr, even years later they refer to me as druncle
klemptor, Yeah…that’s the reason…
HelixDab2, I had an art history professor that insisted on being called doctor; she said she’d put in a lot of time and spent a lot of money to get that degree, and so she wanted to get her money’s worth.
She was a lot of fun.
ftbd, Isn’t professor a higher title though?
HelixDab2, No; adjunct faculty can also rightly be called professor without having achieved a doctorate. I’ve had a few professors that had BAs and MFAs (esp. since I’m not sure that there are PhD programs for fine arts).
ftbd, Interesting; I’ve literally never heard of this (EU)
HelixDab2, Could just be the schools that I’ve gone to, could be some weird thing that the US does that no one else does (kinda like SI v. metric).
ADTJ, It depends what country you’re in
Good_Idea_Poorly_Realized, (edited ) I bet she was.
I’ve never meet someone who insisted on being called doctor that was anything except fun and reasonable to work with.
They love it when you let them know you also have a PhD…
HelixDab2, I was being serious. She made art history–which is normally a fairly dry subject, particularly when you’re covering art before 1100CE–a really fun and engaging subject.
SmoothIsFast, Y’all joke, I had a college professor on the first day of class say “if you want to call me by my first name, that’s fine. My first name is Doctor.”
SlopppyEngineer, (edited ) If somebody starts with that “call me doctor” stuff, I’ll insist they’ll call me engineer. It’s also a legally protected title.
Lunachocken, Who
Kase, Doctor
skippedtoc, It’s strange.
SharkEatingBreakfast, (edited ) ![]()
“Listen, lady—!”
“Doctor Lady!!”
– MST3K, Space Mutiny
rtxn, John Hurt has entered the chat.
lugal, Doctor who?
kool_newt, Dr. Whom
Hupf, Dr Them
rostby, Dr Sins
beautiful_boater, ![]()
the NB Dr. Who iteration is kind of weird.
ArchTemperedKoala, Mister Doctor.
Maultasche, It’s Strange
SendMeYourTatas, Who?
Minarble, Dentarthurdent
SnipingNinja, Doofenshmirtz
PopShark, Dr. Mr. Professor Patrick
moistclump, Doctor is gender neutral.
devz0r, So is "folks" but that didn't stop people from neutralizing it or whatever it's called.
moistclump, They neutralize folks?
acockworkorange, I wonder how’s that. Folkxs? Fxkls?
GiveMemes, “Folx” lmao
blanketswithsmallpox, Get the folx out of here.
I had no idea they did that to folks lol.
UNWILLING_PARTICIPANT, I’m still not convinced we aren’t being fucked with
SatanicNotMessianic, What if we move in the opposite direction and go with doctrix?
And I mean for everybody. Like a gender-bending neutral.
MajorMajormajormajor, neutral
What makes a man turn neutral? Is it lust for money? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?
Blahaj_Blast, ![]()
Sounds like a dominant female doctor. I’m in.
Currens_felis, I’ve heard doctress used for female doctors
Aremel, Was it in the year 1910?
DroneRights, And a male doctor is a doctsman
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