I may have misunderstood you. I thought you were uploading a gif. I’m not sure if you can embed a video file like that. It can’t convert to a different file type by embedding.
I loved my Nexus One, definitely one of my favorite phones ever. I too got one after being tired of Apple’s iOS restrictions and the “you’re holding it wrong” scandal with the iPhone 4.
I still have it in storage and take it out every one in a while. It surprising how small it is and hard to believe that cell phones used to fit in the palm of your hand.
Monday means refreshed Discover Weekly on Spotify so I get fresh tunes to work to. It pairs well with a fresh cup of coffee and the sun shining in the window.
Yeah, kind of seems like someone got ChatGPT to write the story and then did drawings to it. Or maybe they generated the drawing too. Regardless, it was an entertaining little comic!