Uhh… what do you think the notice is telling you…? That’s it’s not a legal copy. Now you can’t claim you didn’t know… this is literally a legally accepted measure to remove that entire defense that you didn’t know. It’s hilarious you comprehend that, but don’t see how this notifies you of it being illegal! It’s along the same veins of reselling a book without its cover and the notice telling you. Of course it’s legal and accepted to remove your ignorance defense. Ignorance has never been a defense and this would be no different.
And yeah people have been arrested for those before, of course I haven’t personally seen it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
You don’t even need to acknowledge the thing, it could just be a splash screen.
Again, nothing to do with “non-defensible” or anything related to a Eula. It’s merely a recognition the key is pirated to remove your defenses if a lawsuit happens.
Clearly the joke of my parent comment sailed way over your head. But hey mansplain things incorrectly for the rest of class.
Do you really think this is a contract or agreement of legal enforceability? Holy hell.
If they actually used this for that reason it would be to merely remove your defense of saying you didn’t know you bought a pirated copy. They don’t even need you to agree to it, a splash screen would be enough.
I am trying to understand, why are they saying toast when it’s not toasted? If it’s crispy enough to be called toast, turn it down some more.
I’ve never had a toaster that couldn’t put out warm not crispy bread. So yeah it’s confusing that someone would need to use a microwave for what a toaster is designed for.
Empathize for something that you can just ignore…? That’s cute.
Lol and no one cares that you hate Christmas music, it’s why it’s getting worse, but you know what you can control, headphones.
Also what a terrible attitude, making other people happy is what everyone should strive to be doing, I feel sorry for the people around you. You also claim I lack empathy and than say no one cares if my wife is happy…? That’s a mighty hypocritical stance you’ve got there miserable troll. Why should I empathize for someone who won’t return it…? That makes zero fucking sense lmfao.
What’s stopping you? Someone told you that it’s impolite? Next time you go shopping, look how many people have earbuds or headphones on. It’s not this taboo thing.
Yeah no one enjoys it shoved down their throat, but you can also do a modicum of things instead of bitching about it either. It’s pretty easy to ignore this stuff actually.
Okay I will say I forgot about that, that’s a drivers rules thing, if I’m driving maybe one or two, but if the wife’s driving it’s her radio unfortunately.
The one that says you can go down there anytime and it’s not actually part of a specific mission like you also claimed? Because that doesn’t help your case and has less upvotes than other comments calling you out lmfao.
Your comment is also newer and has more downvotes than it does upvotes. What do you think that’s supposed to prove…?