Right, but you just said the spaceport IS normally viewed. And no it’s not like that. A table in a room isn’t suddenly not “normally viewed” since only 5 players looked at while another table the NPC was sitting at 100.
And not every part of the spaceport is going to be viewed by everyone that visits it… your argument falls apart using your own logic. So no we aren’t wrong, you are.
You realize more than just me have called you out on this… yeah?
Here a plug that utilizes the holes to make a secure connection that can only be removed by pulling on the collar to remove the pins that go through the holes.
Yeah it’s a thing and if you have the holes in the plug, they must meet NEMA spec since it actually is used for locking in lots of cases. Despite technology connections missing the patent and specs from their videos.
What sources did tech connections have other than their wrong and biased experiment on modern receptacles that wouldn’t have this feature?
I’ve watched that video, what research and sources? He doesn’t talk about any specs or provide them, doesn’t talk about patents or provide them. Can you link to his sources if you know where they are?
It’s strange how he’s being treated as the end source, while not having any sources at all.
Look up NEMA specs and patents, it’s not my job to educate people who are taking someone’s word without sources or anything. His experiments are flawed his receptacles are all from the last 2 decades.
“Go try it yourself and you’ll see”… sure I’ll use a plug from the era that these are from, that’s who these are for, not for people with modern plugs who would be ones watching a video and trying this.
Some electricians started doing it since it became a viral Internet trend to intentionally drop quarters onto the prongs of a slightly pulled out plug.
In history there’s only been a few cases of a fires being started because of an accidental thing falling on the plugs. The breaker trips before a fire would start in almost all cases. Provided the breaker isn’t faulty or something. Which you should be testing regularly as a home owner.
Parenting isn’t a 24/7 job who’s told you that? Most people have partners and you get breaks when your kid is sleeping, at school, and being cared for by others. If you can’t do it, you should be paying someone so you can get your break. Not neglecting your kids.
It’s not different, people just use it as an excuse to be terrible to their kids.
Because this group actively endorsed and profited from piracy. They made it a job instead of a hobby. Don’t profit from it, that’s like the one thing you don’t do, and they did it.
Not really a private citizen anymore at that point if you’re making a business.
Doesn’t matter how you acquired the key, it’s still a pirated copy.
Do you think buying a stolen car or phone changes that it’s still stolen? Plenty of places also have laws against buying or keeping knowingly stolen items. So even just being informed and you continuing to keep it can now be used against you as well.
Lmfao you know who doesn’t leave a conversation after saying they were going to? Someone who never meant to have a discussion in good faith. I’ll save you the trouble and just block the troll instead.
I’m I’m wrong I would love to see the supporting evidence so I don’t mislead people in the future, but I also know you’re full of shit. So feel free to block me, don’t care.
A notice is court admissible, this is a notice, not an agreement or an acknowledgement, sorry. Has nothing to do with admissibility, Would love to see your homework that disproves this. But it’s moot since it’s not for them to admit as we’ve established already quite clearly.