For someone who only posts insulting others and correcting (incorrectly a bunch too….) their grammar, you sure lack any amount of reading comprehension.
Its always the loudest people who are the most guilty, I appreciate the lengths you go to prove this is still true.
I get the sentiment, but you want them to waste public resources doing it on all these different clunky uis and software? Sometimes these take minutes to load new information to parse.
Maybe waste your time pinpointing it instead of expecting public resources to do what you could do for them?
That’s a good point, part of the current issue is having content to engage with though, lot harder on “dead” posts that only come up in searches or deep community dives.
Also seems more like it’s idle chat comments, which is fine, but it’s not really adding content if it’s not engageable.
There’s always solutions, you also don’t need to sort it that way either. It being in one hamper is just as acceptable. But there is perception from other people to take into account.
I am trying to understand, why are they saying toast when it’s not toasted? If it’s crispy enough to be called toast, turn it down some more.
I’ve never had a toaster that couldn’t put out warm not crispy bread. So yeah it’s confusing that someone would need to use a microwave for what a toaster is designed for.
Which ones have you made? I’m guessing they are ones that crashed and burned, or you’re making it up. The post is dead no one is seeing your lies but me. So save it lmfao. The fact that you claim it’s multiple is even more damning, it means that they aren’t working and you need to pump another out. Maybe if you only claimed to have worked on a single one they lie would be slightly more believable……
They are setup to be 50/50, you lying about stuff doesn’t change that. And if you are biasing you match making, maybe, just maybe that’s why your games are crashing and burning…….