The memes not shitty, people just ignore stuff for whatever justifications they can come up. If you can view it once, why should it be a different quality than something you see 100x? It’s a bloody water effect, there should be zero difference.
Change the what item it is and it shouldn’t change anything either.
Are you seriously excusing shit waterfall mechanics/graphics game wide because this one particular view is only forced on you once in a certain situation?
On the other hand, using procedural generation should free up a bunch of dev time that you could than be using to make sure the models that the generation uses are quality.
Now comparing individual features, elex looks better, while starfield should be better looking. Since they used procedural generation and should have used that time saved crafting hand crafted worlds making their base models better.
It’s more than an apt comparison, if you look at what they want you to compare.
They still exist in most towns and cities, and if not a mall, a strip mall usually has some inside portion. Smaller with less options, but still fits the bill.
Which one? There was the 2020 one by winnti group that attacked Linux servers for a decade, and another in 2021/22 called symbiote, but I don’t know how long that one was hidden for.
Nope, not every place had the money to burn on a cd in a jukebox from every artist. Also standing there for 45 minutes to listen to the entire thing? Who actually does that?